Document Type

Undergraduate Project

Date of Degree Completion

Spring 2018

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science


Engineering Technology

Committee Chair

Dr. Craig Johnson

Second Committee Member

Roger Beardsley

Third Committee Member

Charles Pringle


How does one build a car? Do they start with the tires and build inward or do they develop separate aspects at the same time? This remote-controlled car was designed and built with the intention of competing in the annual Baja Competition. There are three competitions: sprinting, slalom, and an obstacle course. The suspension system of this car must be designed to support the car for both the physical build and the competitiveness. It must do this without interfering with the drive train and steering mechanism designed by Doug Erickson. The suspension system employs suspension arms attached to the chassis plate through several connecting pieces. The body, suspension arms, and attachment pieces are made of Aluminum 6061-T6. They were machined by Torrie Large using mills, drills, taps, saws, and an automatic mill. All pieces were specifically designed to withstand a drop from a certain height and hit the wall at a specific speed. Engineering equations were applied for maximum efficiency. Through testing, the suspension system proved its ability to perform its functions while supporting the interior aspects of the car (drivetrain and steering features) while not interfering with those parts at the same time. The car has succeeded in competing and finishing the events of the Baja Competition.
