Date of Award

Summer 8-1-1961

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)



First Advisor

Robert L. Curran

Second Advisor

Howard B. Robinson

Third Advisor

Clifford Erickson


During the last several years the place or role of occupational information in the school systems of this country has been relatively undecided. It has ranged from 10 total hours of occupational information to 180 in schools that thought this information important enough to present at all. It has been and still is a required course in some colleges. The school counselor has the recognized duty of helping students plan so they will have the required courses to meet some educational goal. Some counselors feel a responsibility for presenting occupational information. Other counselors feel that the teacher should do so. Still others feel that the school bas no responsibility in this regard. The first purpose of this paper was to survey the literature concerning recent past and present positions of schools and authorities in regard to occupational information. A second was to determine what role, if any occupational information should play in counseling. This role must be compatible with the generally accepted theory of counseling. Current theories will have to be briefly touched upon to find if this compatibility exists.
