
Marketing Procedures for a Health and Fitness Club


Alan M. Shick

Document Type

Graduate Project

Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)



First Advisor

Dr. Sharon Schwindt


The development of a comprehensive market plan for organizations in the health and fitness industry should follow precise and systematic guidelines and procedures. This will enable such organizations to achieve profit maximization and to supply the ever-increasing demand for high quality health and fitness services in a superior, professional manner. Inadequate market planning has been often cited as the underlying reason for the closing of many health and fitness clubs. Additionally, inadequate market planning is a primary reason why retention of members is a number one problem (as stated by 56% of health and fitness club operators). The report focuses on: (a) the specific procedures of market planning as they directly relate to the health and fitness services industry; and (b) the addition of position and people categories to the traditional four "P's" of marketing.


File available in Archives of Brooks Library at CWU

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