
A Retention Policy for Morgan Owings Elementary

Document Type

Graduate Project

Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)



First Advisor

Dr. Joe Schomer


The author developed a retention policy to aid teachers of Chelan's Morgen Owings Elementary School in making decisions which would be the most beneficial for those students who were in consideration of being retained. The subject of retention and promotion has been the topic of many reviews in the literature over the years. There has been a great deal written on the determinants of retention in relation to students' self-esteem and academic achievement. A number of other reviews and studies claim that retention can be beneficial. Specialists in the Morgen Owings Elementary School were consulted to share thoughts and concerns dealing with this issue. The resulting retention policy was based on their responses, a survey of the literature, and retention policies obtained from other school districts.


File available in Archives of Brooks Library at CWU

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