Res Cogitans 2014
Problems for Infinitism
Keith Wynroe
Fundamentalism Against the Patchwork Theory of Laws
James Sheppard
Juxtaposing Longino’s “Equality of Intellectual Authority” with Her “Shared Standards”
Gourav Krishna Nandi
Semantics Embodied: Cognitive Linguistics and Searle’s Account of Linguistic Intentionality
Krivo Flores
Towards a Humean Solution of Vagueness in Language and Ontology
Matthew Hernandez
Revisiting Modal Imagination
Ross Jensen
Trans* Rights Under Egalitarianism
Alexandra Binsfeld
Divine Hiddenness and Affective Forecasting
Miles Andrews
The Role of Religious Reasons in a Liberal Democracy
Malcolm Morano
Remaking the Possible: Intelligibility and Trans Autonomy
Valeria Levkovskaya
The Discourse of the Scalpel and the Limbo of Non-identity: Doing Justice to Herculine Barbin
Aurora Laybourn-Candlish
Saving the Substratum: Interpreting Kant’s First Analogy
Kevin Harriman
Reinventing the Mirror: Reconciling Guyer’s and Allison’s Interpretations of Kant’s Second Analogy
McKenzie Southworth
Animal Activism and the Ethics of Terrorism
Jeffrey Pannekoek
Lifeboat Ethics and Systematic Stability
Peiran Tan
Issue Introduction
David Boersema