ScholarWorks@CWU - Symposium Of University Research and Creative Expression (SOURCE): Northwest regional smart grid demonstration project

Northwest regional smart grid demonstration project

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Oral Presentation

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SURC 201

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Central Washington University (CWU) in partnership with the City of Ellensburg is participating in a $178 million Department of Energy (DOE) regional smart grid demonstration project. The demonstration project is led by Battelle and encompasses five Northwest states, a dozen utilities, and the Bonneville Power Administration. Energy use information will be gathered over a two year period from over 60,000 homes in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. CWU and the City of Ellensburg are to analyze and compare the relative efficiencies of the various renewable energy sources at the City of Ellensburg’s Community Renewable Park. The Renewable Park contains two different solar technologies and 5 different residential wind turbines. The climate data will be analyzed to provide load curve information and the economics for each different technology ($/kWh). The efficiency of each technology will also be studied (Available energy vs. energy produced). CWU will develop K-12 curriculum based on this project. The data gathering will be performed by a Supervisor Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. It will be connected to all the meters that monitor the different technologies at the Renewable Park and a weather station with anemometers at the various elevations of each of the wind turbines. The SCADA system will push the data to the City of Ellensburg’s database. CWU will use LabView and Excel spreadsheets to analyze the data. The results of the data analysis will be presented in the form of tables and graphs. The data will also be used to create K-12 curriculum.

Faculty Mentor(s)

Nathan Davis

Additional Mentoring Department

Industrial and Engineering Technology

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May 17th, 1:10 PM May 17th, 1:30 PM

Northwest regional smart grid demonstration project

SURC 201

Central Washington University (CWU) in partnership with the City of Ellensburg is participating in a $178 million Department of Energy (DOE) regional smart grid demonstration project. The demonstration project is led by Battelle and encompasses five Northwest states, a dozen utilities, and the Bonneville Power Administration. Energy use information will be gathered over a two year period from over 60,000 homes in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. CWU and the City of Ellensburg are to analyze and compare the relative efficiencies of the various renewable energy sources at the City of Ellensburg’s Community Renewable Park. The Renewable Park contains two different solar technologies and 5 different residential wind turbines. The climate data will be analyzed to provide load curve information and the economics for each different technology ($/kWh). The efficiency of each technology will also be studied (Available energy vs. energy produced). CWU will develop K-12 curriculum based on this project. The data gathering will be performed by a Supervisor Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. It will be connected to all the meters that monitor the different technologies at the Renewable Park and a weather station with anemometers at the various elevations of each of the wind turbines. The SCADA system will push the data to the City of Ellensburg’s database. CWU will use LabView and Excel spreadsheets to analyze the data. The results of the data analysis will be presented in the form of tables and graphs. The data will also be used to create K-12 curriculum.