Synthesis of novel antibiotic compounds derivied from lasalocid

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Frequent and improper use of antibiotics has led to an increasing occurrence in antibiotic resistant infections. This trend demonstrates a very serious risk to the global wellbeing, making the development of new antibiotic compounds imperative. However, the typical means of developing novel pharmaceutical antibiotics from naturally occurring sources is finite and dwindling. Thus, new methods of generating novel antibiotic compounds to combat the rise of resistant infections is of high priority. The objective of this project is just that. Lasalocid is a structurally diverse ionophore antibiotic. By cleaving this antibiotic, reactive scaffold can be obtained; allowing for further synthesis and the creation of novel compounds. These compounds will then be tested for antibiotic activity through various assays. While slight modification of preexisting antibiotics is a common and effective practice, the approach of this research allows for seemingly infinite possibilities of novel compound generated. Thus, hopefully yielding compounds of not only varied structure, but completely different antibiotic activities.

Faculty Mentor(s)

Paul Swain



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May 18th, 12:00 PM

Synthesis of novel antibiotic compounds derivied from lasalocid


Frequent and improper use of antibiotics has led to an increasing occurrence in antibiotic resistant infections. This trend demonstrates a very serious risk to the global wellbeing, making the development of new antibiotic compounds imperative. However, the typical means of developing novel pharmaceutical antibiotics from naturally occurring sources is finite and dwindling. Thus, new methods of generating novel antibiotic compounds to combat the rise of resistant infections is of high priority. The objective of this project is just that. Lasalocid is a structurally diverse ionophore antibiotic. By cleaving this antibiotic, reactive scaffold can be obtained; allowing for further synthesis and the creation of novel compounds. These compounds will then be tested for antibiotic activity through various assays. While slight modification of preexisting antibiotics is a common and effective practice, the approach of this research allows for seemingly infinite possibilities of novel compound generated. Thus, hopefully yielding compounds of not only varied structure, but completely different antibiotic activities.