Document Type


Date of Degree Completion

Spring 2019


Mechanical Engineering Technology

Committee Chair

Dr. Craig Johnson

Second Committee Member

Dr. John Choi

Third Committee Member

Professor Charles Pringle


  • The Electrathon Vehicle project is an ongoing project that dates back to 2012. This vehicle will be raced at events to see how many laps it can complete on a single battery charge. The existing body for the Central Washington University Electrathon vehicle required modifications to fit over the current frame. These modifications were required because the rear suspension design had changed. The rear panel of the body interfered with the rear suspension. Using a rotary cutting wheel, the panel was slotted so the body could slide over the suspension and drive chain. Additionally, spacers for various sizes were needed to mount the body to the frame. The body panels also needed to align with each other. Five pins were welded onto the frame for the body to slide over. To get the spacing, washers were welded onto the pins to prevent the body from sliding too far down the pin. The ends of the pins were then cross-drilled to run a hitch-clip through to secure the body. The body then had to have holes drilled in it so that it could slide over the previously mentioned pins. The body is now compatible with the electric vehicle. It has 5 fixed mounting points using pins and hitch-clips. In addition, the body has Velcro to hold the windshield as well as the sides of the tail to the main body. The entire body with its mounting hardware weighs approximately 15 lbs.
