Document Type


Date of Degree Completion

Spring 2019


Mechanical Engineering Technology

Committee Chair

Dr. Craig Johnson

Second Committee Member

Dr. John Choi

Third Committee Member

Professor Charles Pringle


  • Abstract
  • Bracket, casting, aluminum; if any of these for mentioned words interest you in anyway this is a document that you should read.
  • There is a need for a compressor to be mounted to the front of a Cummins engine so that compressed air would be available on a work truck. The York compressor and the engine were known quantities, so what this project covered was the bracket that mounted the compressor to the engine and the manufacturing processes. The process chosen to make the bracket was aluminum casting; casting was chosen because of the ease of making many parts very quickly.
  • The testing of the finished part consisted of testing the weight and strength of the completed bracket. Another aspect of testing was the analysis of the casting process of the two parts. The program SolidCast was used to predict the flow path of the aluminum. During the process using SolidCast it was found that extreme corners of the part would freeze before the aluminum was done flowing. Through this testing we were able to optimize the flow path of the aluminum to make sure that the casting was successful.
  • The part was successfully produced and was reproduced consistently.

Included in

Manufacturing Commons
