Document Type

Undergraduate Project

Date of Degree Completion

Spring 2023

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science


Engineering Technology

Committee Chair

Charles Pringle, PE or Dr. John Choi

Second Committee Member

Charles Pringle, PE or Dr. John Choi

Third Committee Member

Mr. Chris Berkshire


Sponsored by the Joint Center for Aerospace Technology Innovation (JCATI), this project stems from a partnership between Central Washington University’s Mechanical Engineering Technology program and The Boeing Company. The goal of this partnership was to create a device that repurposes carbon fiber from wing trimmings from the 777. The device features four different students’ projects including the crusher, shredder, oven heating system, and the fiber conveyance system; the focus of this project. The JCATI Carbon Fiber Recycler needed a device to transport material from the shredder to the oven to make for an easier, more seamless production process. To solve this problem, a conveyance system was designed, manufactured, and tested at CWU. Requirements were set prior to the design phase such as speed, weight limit, belt tension, at least 90% of material is conveyed from point A to point B, etc. Using these, analyses were performed using engineering methods such as statics, belt tension/torque calculations, and bearing size/belt length calculations to determine dimensions. A design was put together using SolidWorks. This design was then executed using purchased parts or manufacturing parts in the CWU machine shop. Most parts were purchased online such as the bearings, pulleys, and motor. A few parts that were manufactured was the frame, tensioner, and couplings. The project was a success; the conveyance system was successful at transporting carbon fiber. The speed was 0.98 ft/min, the weight was 23 lb., the belt withstood 6 lb. of tension, and 98% of the carbon fiber was successfully transported.
