Document Type

Undergraduate Project

Date of Degree Completion

Spring 2023

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science


Engineering Technology

Committee Chair

Charles Pringle, PE

Second Committee Member

Dr. John Choi

Third Committee Member

Mr. Chris Berkshire


Central Washington University Mechanical Engineering Technology students are working with the Joint Center for Aerospace Technology Innovation (JCATI) to create a device that recycles carbon fiber wing trimmings produced by the wing manufacturing process for the Boeing 777 airplanes. The solution to this problem was to utilize crushing, shredding, and pyrolysis to remove the resin from the composite material and provide carbon fiber that can be repurposed. This project focuses on both the Oven Enclosure which will house the Oven Heating System as well as the heating elements and control circuit that are responsible for allowing the material to reach pyrolyzation temperatures. Several engineering methods were utilized in order to achieve the desired outcomes. Firstly, an oven enclosure was constructed. This composed of sheet metal and mineral wool insulation which was able to keep the heat maintained within its environment. Next, the heating elements and purge gas components were assembled in the oven. Lastly, these sub-assemblies were incorporated into an electrical circuit that was easily accessible and able to initiate, control, and power down the system. After thorough design evaluation, construction, and proper testing, the shredded material was successful in reaching target temperatures for pyrolyzation and producing an output of 77% fully recycled carbon fiber within the 30-minute time limit.
