This collection features scholarly and creative work by faculty members in the Anthropology and Museum Studies program at Central Washington University.
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Submissions from 2022
A Psychometric Evaluation of the Intrasexual Competition Scale, Graham Albert, George B. Richardson, Steven Arnocky, Brian M. Bird, Maryanne Fisher, Jessica K. Hlay, Timothy S. McHale, and Carolyn R. Hodges-Simeon
Preliminary comparisons of learning across four lemur genera at the Duke Lemur Center, Carly H. Batist and Jessica A. Mayhew
1980s WARC (Washington Archaeological Research Center): An Experiment in Communitarianism for Pacific Northwest Archaeology--And it did WARC (Work), Dale R. Croes and Steven Hackenberger
A Preliminary Assessment of Compassion Fatigue in Chimpanzee Caregivers, Mary Lee A. Jensvold
Submissions from 2021
City of Living-Death: Urban Precarity and Social Transformation in an Egyptian Cemetery, Marwa Ghazali
Rescue recovery of the earliest known burials from Barbuda, West Indies (ca. 3560–3220 cal years BP), Steven Hackenberger, Scott M. Fitzpatrick, Jessica H. Stone, and Matthew F. Napolitano
Was facial width-to-height ratio subject to sexual selection pressures? A life course approach, Carolyn R. Hodges-Simeon, Graham Albert, George B. Richardson, Timothy S. McHale, Seth M. Weinberg, Michael Gurven, and Steven J.C. Gaulin
Reconstructing paleohydrology in the northwest Great Basin since the last deglaciation using Paisley Caves fish remains (Oregon, U.S.A.), Adam M. Hudson, Meaghan M. Emery-Wetherell, Patrick M. Lubinski, Virginia L. Butler, Deanna N. Grimstead, and Dennis L. Jenkins
Old World Ceramic Origins and Behavioral Contexts from the Late Pleistocene to Mid-Holocene: Unresolved and New Problems, Fumie Iizuka and Karisa Terry
Highland vs. lowland craniometry in Andean South America: An Ecuadorian case study, Nicole A. Jastremski, Lourdes Henebry-Deleon, Patrick M. Lubinski, and Dominic Klyve
Sexual Interference Behaviors in Male Adult and Subadult Tibetan Macaques (Macaca thibetana), Kui-Hai Pang, Amanda K. Rowe, Lori K. Sheeran, Dong-Po Xia, Lixing Sun, and Jin-Hua Li
Citizenship Diversified: Bali-Hindu Customary Institutions and Democratization, Lene Pedersen
Worldwide savanna monkey (Chlorocebus spp.) body measures, Christopher A. Schmitt, Trudy R. Turner, Danzy Cramer, Joseph G. Lorenz, Paul J. Grobler, Clifford J. Jolly, and Nelson B. Freimer
Impacts of the COVID‐19 pandemic on mammals at tourism destinations: a systematic review, Rie Usui, Lori K. Sheeran, Ashton M. Asbury, and Maurice Blackson
Effects of Hierarchical Steepness on Grooming Patterns in Female Tibetan Macaques (Macaca thibetana), Dong-Po Xia, Xi Wang, Paul A. garber, Bing-Hua Sun, Lori K. Sheeran, Lixing Sun, and Jin-Hua Li
Submissions from 2020
The Making and Unmaking of an Appalachian “Home”: Tensions between Tourism and Housing Development in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, J. Hope Amason
Lateralization in seven lemur species when presented with a novel cognitive task, Carly H. Batist and Jessica A. Mayhew
Human caregivers are integrated social partners for captive chimpanzees, Jake A. Funkhouser, Jessica A. Mayhew, John B. Mulcahy, and Lori K. Sheeran
Human reproductive behavior, life history, and the Challenge Hypothesis: A 30-year review, retrospective and future directions, Peter B. Gray, Alex A. Straftis, Brian M. Bird, Timothy S. McHale, and Samuele Zilioli
Testosterone, cortisol, and secretory immunoglobulin-A within a single day and across two sequential days among trans- and cis-gender men, Carolyn R. Hodges-Simeon, Graham P.O. Grail, Graham Albert, Nicholas Landry, Triana L. Ortiz, Justin M. Carré, Timothy S. McHale, and Steven A. Arnocky
Blind Testing of Faunal Identification Protocols: A Case Study with North American Artiodactyl Stylohyoids, Patrick M. Lubinski, R. Lee Ryan, and Matthew P. Johnson
Social Cohesion and Environmental Governance Among the Comcaac of Northern Mexico, Natalia Martínez-Tagüeña and Rodrigo F. Rentería-Valencia
Salivary aldosterone and cortisone respond differently to high- and low-psychologically stressful soccer competitions, Timothy S. McHale, Wai-Chi Chee, Carolyn R. Hodges-Simeon, David T. Zava, Graham Albert, Ka-Chun Chan, and Peter B. Gray
Juvenile Children’s Salivary Aldosterone and Cortisone Decrease during Informal Math and Table-Tennis Competitions, Timothy S. McHale, Peter B. Gray, Carolyn R. Hodges-Simeon, David T. Zava, Graham Albert, Ka-chun Chan, and Wai-chi Chee
Variable behavioral and settlement contexts for the emergence of ceramic vessels in eastern Siberia, Karisa Terry
Size distribution of Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) in the North Pacific Ocean over 6 millennia, Catherine F. West, Michael A. Etnier, Steven Barbeaux, Megan A. Partlow, and Alexi M. Orlov
Submissions from 2019
Population Genetic Structure of Vervet Monkeys in South Africa, Willem G. Coetzer, Joseph G. Lorenz, Nelson B. Freimer, and J. Paul Grobler
Tolbaga revisited: Scrutinizing occupation duration and its relationship with the faunal landscape during MIS 3 and MIS 2, Masami Izuho, Karisa Terry, Sergei Vasil'ev, Mikhail Konstantinov, and Keiichi Takahashi
A new identification of the monkeys depicted in a Bronze Age wall painting from Akrotiri, Thera, Marie Nicole Pareja, Tracie McKinney, Jessica A. Mayhew, Joanna M. Setchell, Stephen D. Nash, and Ray Heaton
Vervet Monkeys (Chlorocebus pygerthrus), Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), and Humans (Homo sapiens): Studying Interactions Using Stable Isotope Analysis, Matt Sponheimer, James E. Loudon, J. Paul Grobler, Kimberly Moyer, and Joseph G. Lorenz
Submissions from 2018
Getting Lost in Gatlinburg: How Low-Income Residents “Make Do” in an Appalachian Tourist Town, J. Hope Amason
Chronometric Precision and Accuracy: Radiocarbon and Luminescence Age Estimates for Pacific Northwest Cooking Features, James W. Brown, James K. Feathers, James C. Chatters, Patrick T. McCutcheon, and Steven Hackenberger
Identifying and siding the stylohyoid bone for North American artiodactyls, Patrick M. Lubinski and Thomas A. Hale
Salivary steroid hormone responses to dyadic table tennis competitions among Hong Kongese juvenile boys, Timothy S. McHale, Peter B. Gray, Ka-chun Chan, David T. Zava, and Wai-chi Chee
Ancient human parallel lineages within North America contributed to a coastal expansion, C. L. Scheib, Hongjie Li, Tariq Desai, and Joseph G. Lorenz
Morphological variation in the genus Chlorocebus: Ecogeographic and anthropogenically mediated variation in body mass, postcranial morphology, and growth, Trudy R. Turner, Christopher A. Schmitt, Jennifer Danzy Cramer, Joseph Lorenz, J. Paul Grobler, Clifford J. Jolly, and Nelson B. Freimer
Submissions from 2017
Rose’s Gift: Slavery, Kinship, and the Fabric of Memory, Mark J. Auslander
Calcined Bone as a Reliable Medium for Radiocarbon Dating: A Test Using Paired North American Samples, James C. Chatters, James W. Brown, Steven Hackenberger, Patrick T. McCutcheon, and Jonathan Adler
Human Dispersal from Siberia to Beringia: Assessing a Beringian Standstill in Light of the Archaeological Evidence, Kelly E. Graf and Ian Buvit
Late Pleistocene subsistence in the Great Basin: Younger Dryas-aged faunal remains from the Botanical Lens, Paisley Cave 2, Oregon, Bryan Hockett, Martin E. Adams, Patrick M. Lubinski, Virginia L. Butler, and Dennis L. Jenkins
The 5th of May: trajectory, reappropriations and possibilities of a Mexico-American tradition, Antonio Sánchez and Julieta Altamirano-Crosby
The 5th of May: trajectory, reappropriations and possibilities of a Mexico-American tradition, Antonio Sánchez and Julieta Altamirano-Crosby
Submissions from 2016
By Iron Possessed: Fabrice Monteiro's Maroons: The Fugitive Slaves, Mark Auslander
Chief S.O. Alonge: Photographer to the Royal Court of Benin, Nigeria, Mark Auslander
The vocal repertoire of Tibetan macaques (Macaca thibetana): A quantitative classification, Sofia K. Bernstein, Lori K. Sheeran, R. Steven Wagner, Jin-Hua Li, and Hiroki Koda
Radiocarbon dates, microblades and Late Pleistocene human migrations in the Transbaikal, Russia and the Paleo-Sakhalin-Hokkaido-Kuril Peninsula, Ian Buvit, Masami Izuho, Karisa Terry, Mikhail V. Konstantinov, and Aleksander V. Konstantinov
Alutiiq Subsistence Economy at Igvak, a Russian-American Artel in the Kodiak Archipelago, Michael A. Etnier, Megan A. Partlow, and Nora R. Foster
Religious Pluralism in Indonesia, Lene Pedersen
Marked Variation Between Winter and Spring Gut Microbiota in Freeranging Tibetan Macaques (Macaca thibetana), Binghua Sun, Xi Wang, Sofi Bernstein, Michael A. Huffman, Dong-Po Xia, Zhiyuan Gu, Rui Chen, Lori K. Sheeran, R. Steven Wagner, and Jinhua Li
Emergence of a microlithic complex in the Transbaikal Region of southern Siberia, Karisa Terry, Ian Buvit, and Mikhail V. Konstantinov
Submissions from 2015
Uncertain Lives: Neoliberalism and the Shaping of Home Among Service Workers in Gatlinburg, J. Hope Amason
Responding to “Comfort Woman” Denial at Central Washington University, Mark J. Auslander and Chong Eun Ahn
Variation in vervet (Chlorocebus aethiops) hair cortisol concentrations reflects ecological disturbance by humans, Nicolaas H. Fourie, Trudy R. Turner, Janine L. Brown, James D. Pampush, Joseph G. Lorenz, and Robin M. Bernstein
Gorillas with White Sclera: A Naturally Occurring Variation in a Morphological Trait Linked to Social Cognitive Functions, Jessica A. Mayhew and Juan-Carlos Gómez
Lithics and climate: technological responses to landscape change in Upper Palaeolithic northern Japan, Kazuki Morisaki, Masami Izuho, Karisa Terry, and Hiroyuki Sato
Saffron Cod (Eleginus gracilis) in North Pacific Archaeology, Megan A. Partlow and Eric Munk
The Enchantment of Agriculture: State Decentering and Irrigated Rice Production in Bali, Lene Pedersen and Wiwik Dharmiasih
Localized population divergence of vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus spp.) in South Africa: Evidence from mtDNA, Trudy R. Turner, Willem G. Coetzer, Christopher A. Schmitt, Joseph G. Lorenz, Nelson B. Freimer, and J. Paul Grobler
Submissions from 2014
Hazards and the Work of Culture, Mark J. Auslander
“Give Me Back My Children!”: Traumatic Reenactment and Tenuous Democratic Public Spheres, Mark J. Auslander
Male Tibetan Macaques’ (Macaca Thibetana) Choice of Infant Bridging Partners, Briana Bauer, Lori K. Sheeran, Megan D. Matheson, Jin-Hua Li, and R. Steven Wagner
Rediscovering Ancient Inhabited Islands of the Pacific, Ian Buvit and Mike T. Carson
Late Pleistocene Geology and Paleolithic Archaeology of the Shimaki Site, Hokkaido, Japan, Ian Buvit, Masami Izuho, Karisa Terry, Yorinao Shitaoka, Tsutomu Soda, and Dai Kunikita
Kings, Knights, and Pawns: Black Coal Miners and Racial Conflict in Washington Territory, Raymond A. Hall
Investigating the Eolian Context of the Last Glacial Maximum Occupation at Kawanishi‐C, Hokkaido, Japan, Masami Izuho, Kazuhiro Hayashi, Yuichi Nakazawa, Tsutomu Soda, Noriyoshi Oda, Toshiro Yamahara, Minoru Kitazawa, and Ian Buvit
Experimental Conversations: Sign Language Studies with Chimpanzees, Mary Lee Jensvold
Using the Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Compositions of Vervet Monkeys (Chlorocebus pygerythrus) to Examine Questions in Ethnoprimatology, James E. Loudon, J. Paul Grobler, Matt Sponheimer, Kimberly Moyer, Joseph G. Lorenz, and Trudy R. Turner
Single-Grain Luminescence Dating of Sediment Surrounding a Possible Late Pleistocene Artifact from the Wenas Creek Mammoth Site, Pacific Northwest, USA, Patrick M. Lubinski, James Feathers, and Karl Lillquist
Comparative methods for distinguishing flakes from geofacts: a case study from the Wenas Creek Mammoth site, Patrick M. Lubinski, Karisa Terry, and Patrick T. McCutcheon
Behaviors that Predict Personality Components in Adult free-Ranging Tibetan Macaques (Macaca thibetana), Alexander J. Pritchard, Lori K. Sheeran, Kara I. Gabriel, Jin-Hua Li, and Ronald S. Wagner
Park rangers' behaviors and their effects on tourists and Tibetan macaques (Macaca thibetana) at Mt. Huangshan, China, Rie Usui, Lori K. Sheeran, Jin-hua Li, Lixing Sun, Xi Wang, Alexander J. Pritchard, Alexander S. DuVall-Lash, and R. Steven Wagner
Submissions from 2013
For the Sake of our Children: Hispanic Immigrant and Migrant Families’ Use of Folk Healing and Biomedicine, Tracy J. Andrews, Vivkie Ybarra, and L. LaVern Matthews
Touching the Past: Materializing Time in Traumatic “Living History” Reenactments, Mark J. Auslander
Trappers' Brides: Intercultural Marriages in the Rocky Mountain Fur Trade, Kathleen Barlow
Sleeping Site Selection by Agile Gibbons: The Influence of Tree Stability, Fruit Availability and Predation Risk, Susan M. Cheyne, Andrea Höing, John Rinear, and Lori K. Sheeran
Variation in Scrotal Color Among Widely Distributed Vervet Monkey Populations (Chlorocebus Aethiops Pygerythrus and Chlorocebus Aethiops Sabaeus), Jennifer Danzy Cramer, Tegan Gaetano, Joseph P. Gray, Paul Grobler, Joseph G. Lorenz, Nelson B. Freimer, Christopher A. Schmitt, and Trudy R. Turner
What is adequate evidence for mass procurement of ungulates in zooarchaeology?, Patrick M. Lubinski
Genetic Analysis of Putative Familial Relationships in a Captive Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) Population, Renato Robledo, Joseph G. Lorenz, Jeanne Beck, James Else, and Patrick Bender
Tourism and Infant-Directed Aggression in Tibetan Macaques (Macaca thibetana) at Mt. Huangshan, China, Sydney Self, Lori K. Sheeran, Megan D. Matheson, Jin-Hua Li, Oland Pelton, Sarah Harding, and R. Steven Wagner
Submissions from 2012
Enslaved Labor and Building the Smithsonian: Reading the Stones, Mark J. Auslander
How Families Work Love, Labor and Mediated Oppositions in American Domestic Ritual, Mark J. Auslander
Remembrance in the Cemetery: In Search of "The Accidental Slaveowner", Mark J. Auslander
A Land of Diversity: Genetic Insights into Ancestral Origins, John R. Johnson, Brian M. Kemp, Cara Monroe, and Joseph G. Lorenz
Contingency in requests of signing chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), Lisa Leitten, Mary Lee A. Jensvold, Roger S. Fouts, and Jason M. Wallin
Evidence for Local Fish Catch In Zooarchaeology, Patrick M. Lubinski and Megan A. Partlow
Use of gesture sequences in captive chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) play, Maureen S. McCarthy, Mary Lee Abshire Jensvold, and Deborah H. Fouts
Noninvasive Saliva Collection for DNA Analyses From Free‐Ranging Tibetan Macaques (Macaca thibetana), N. D. Simons, Joseph G. Lorenz, Lori K. Sheeran, Jin-Hua Li, D. P. Xia, and R. Steven Wagner
Submissions from 2011
The twilight of Paleolithic Siberia: Humans and their environments east of Lake Baikal at the late-glacial/Holocene transition, Ian Buvit and Karisa Terry
The alluvial history and sedimentary record of the Priiskovoe site and its place in the Paleolithic prehistory of Siberia, Ian Buvit, Karisa Terry, Viktor K. Kolosov, and Mikhail V. Konstantinov
Comments on Evidence for Hunting of Pronghorn Herds in Prehistory, Patrick M. Lubinski
Processing the Patterns: Elusive Archaeofaunal Signatures of Cod Storage on the North Pacific Coast, Megan A. Partlow and Robert E. Kopperl
Worldwide distribution of allelic variation at the progesterone receptor locus and the incidence of female reproductive cancers, L. Christie Rockwell, Elizabeth J. Rowe, Katherine Arnson, Fatimah Jackson, Alain Froment, Peter Ndumbe, Binteou Seck, and Joseph G. Lorenz
Mendelian breeding units versus standard sampling strategies: Mitochondrial DNA variation in southwest Sardinia, Daria Sanna and Joseph G. Lorenz
The Power of Numbers in Shamanism A Patterned Explanation of Shaman Names in Inner Asia, Penglin Wang
Submissions from 2010
"Holding on to Those Who Can't be Held": Reenacting a Lynching at Moore's Ford, Georgia, Mark J. Auslander
The Other Side of Paradise: Glimpsing Slavery in the University's Utopian Landscapes, Mark J. Auslander
Sharing Food, Sharing Values: Mothering and Empathy in Murik Society, Kathleen Barlow
The Practice of Mothering: An Introduction, Kathleen Barlow and Bambi L. Chapin