This collection features scholarly and creative work by faculty members in the Anthropology and Museum Studies program at Central Washington University.
The Brooks Library can assist CWU faculty with locating, digitizing, clearing copyright and depositing their scholarship in ScholarWorks. Please email the Scholarly Communications Librarian, or call (509) 963-1718 for more information.
Submissions from 2010
Race, Class, and Whiteness in Gifted and Talented Identification: A Case Study, Kathleen Barlow and C. Elaine Dunbar
Caregiver-chimpanzee interactions with species-specific behaviors, Mary Lee A. Jensvold, Jacquelyn C. Buckner, and Gina B. Stadtner
Experimental Zooarchaeology: Research Directions and Methods, Patrick M. Lubinski and Brian S. Shaffer
Understanding Early Bronze Age social structure through mortuary remains: A pilot aDNA study from Titris Hoyuk, southeastern Turkey, T. Matney, G. Algaze, M. C. Dulik, Ö. D. Erdal, Y. S. Erdal, O. Gokcumen, Joseph G. Lorenz, and H. Mergen
Tourist Behavior and Decibel Levels Correlate with Threat Frequency in Tibetan Macaques (Macaca thibetana) at Mt. Huangshan, China, Lucy A. Ruesto, Lori K. Sheeran, Megan D. Matheson, Jin-Hua Li, and R. Steven Wagner
Seasonal Variation and Synchronization of Sexual Behaviors in Free-Ranging Male Tibetan Macaques (Macaca thibetana) at Huangshan, China, Dong-Po Xia, Jin-Hua Li, Yong Zhu, Bing-Hua Sun, and Lori K. Sheeran
Submissions from 2009
Sequences of Tibetan Macaque (Macaca thibetana) and Tourist Behaviors at Mt. Huangshan, China, Maureen S. McCarthy, Megan D. Matheson, Jack D. Lester, Lori K. Sheeran, and Jin-Hua Li
Submissions from 2008
Going by the Trees: Death and Regeneration in Georgia's Haunted Landscapes, Mark J. Auslander
Critiquing the “Good Enough” Mother: A Perspective Based on the Murik of Papua New Guinea, Kathleen Barlow
Submissions from 2007
Potlatch and Powwow: Dynamics of Culture through Lives Lived Dancing, Tracy J. Andrews and Jon Olney
The Late-Glacial Wenas Creek Mammoth Site (45YA1083) in Central Washington, Patrick M. Lubinski, Bax R. Barton, Karl Lillquist, Morris Uebelacker, and Jake T. Shapely
Ceramics from the Firehole Basin Site and Firehole Phase in the Wyoming Basin, Jessica L. Middleton, Patrick M. Lubinski, and Michael D. Metcalf
Responding to Decentralisation in the Aftermath of the Bali Bombing, Lene Pedersen
Review of The Fourth Circle: A Political Ecology of Sumatra's Rainforest Frontier, Lene Pedersen
Octonary Conception in Central Eurasia: Its Ethnonymic Connection and Numerical Reinterpretation, Penglin Wang
Submissions from 2006
Review of Inbreeding, Incest, and the Incest Taboo: The State of Knowledge at the Turn of the Century, Kathleen Barlow
Sampling fish bones: A consideration of the importance of screen size and disposal context in the North Pacific, Megan A. Partlow
Review of Timothy Asch and Ethnographic Film, Lene Pedersen
Submissions from 2005
Saying Something Now: Documentary Work And the Voices of the Dead, Mark J. Auslander
Review of After Kinship, Kathleen Barlow
Familiarity During Immaturity: Implications for the Captive Propagation of Gibbons, A. R. Mootnick, E. Baker, and Lori K. Sheeran
Submissions from 2004
Patterns of mtDNA Diversity in Northwestern North America, Ripan S. Malhi, Katherine E. Breece, Beth A. Schultz Shook, Frederika A. Kaestle, James C. Chatters, Steven Hackenberger, and David Glenn Smith
Submissions from 2003
Rabbit Hunting and Bone Bead Production at a Late Prehistoric Camp in the Wyoming Basin, Patrick M. Lubinski
Cultural Diversification and Decimation in the Prehistoric Record, William C. Prentiss and James C. Chatters
Symbolization and Conceptualization of Cardinal Directions in Central Eurasia, Penglin Wang
Submissions from 2002
Negotiating survival: undocumented Mexican immigrant women in the Pacific Northwest, Tracy J. Andrews, Vickie D. Ybarra, and Teresa Miramontes
"Return to Sender": Confronting Lynching and Our Haunted Landscapes, Mark J. Auslander
Chimpanzee Signing: Darwinian Realities and Cartesian Delusions, Roger S. Fouts, Mary Lee A. Jensvold, and Deborah Fouts
Review of Infanticide by males and its implications, Agustin Fuentes
Ambiguous bleeding: Purity and sacrifice in Bali, Lene Pedersen
Submissions from 2001
Review of On the move: How and why animals travel in groups., Agustin Fuentes
Review of The Mentalities of Gorillas and Orangutans: Comparative Perspectives, Agustin Fuentes
Effect of Enclosure Size and Complexity on the Behaviors of Captive Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), Mary Lee A. Jensvold, Crickette M. Sanz, Roger S. Fouts, and Deborah H. Fouts
Estimating age and season of death of pronghorn antelope (Antilocapra americana Ord) by means of tooth eruption and wear, Patrick M. Lubinski
Observations on Seasonality and Mortality from a Recent Catastrophic Death Assemblage, Patrick M. Lubinski and Christopher J. O'Brien
Three-dimensional GPR study of a prehistoric site in Barbados, West Indies, Brian M. Whiting, Douglas P. McFarland, and Steven Hackenberger
Submissions from 2000
The Recovery and First Analysis of an Early Holocene Human Skeleton from Kennewick, Washington, James C. Chatters
Tips of the trade: street vendors and the state in Barbados, West Indies, Loran E. Custinger
Interactive use of sign language by cross-fostered chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), Mary Lee A. Jensvold and R. Allen Gardner
Prehistoric Pronghorn Hunting in Southwest Wyoming, Patrick M. Lubinski
An Introduction to Pronghorn Biology, Ethnography and Archaeology, Patrick M. Lubinski and Vicki Herren
Submissions from 1999
Use of Temporary and Semipermanent Enrichment Objects by Five Chimpanzees, Crickette Sanz, Amanda Bilcher, Karen Dalke, Louise Gratton-Fabbri, Tami McClure-Richards, and Roger S. Fouts
Submissions from 1998
Crops, Cattle, and Capital: Agrarian Political Ecology in Canyons de Chelly and del Muerto, Tracy J. Andrews
On the Psychological Well-Being of Chimpanzees, Roger S. Fouts
Re‐Evaluating Primate Monogamy, Agustin Fuentes
Lack of hand preference in wild Hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus), E. S. Mittra, Agustin Fuentes, and W. C. McGrew
Submissions from 1996
Feeding and ranging in the Mentawai Island langur (Presbytis potenziani), Agustin Fuentes
Submissions from 1975
Iris pigmentation and photopic visual acuity: A preliminary study, Glenn B. Short