Using a Literature Webbing Strategy Lesson with Predictable Books

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Department or Administrative Unit

Educational Foundations and Curriculum

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Because of their highly predictable structure, predictable books can be used effectively to help young children understand a wide variety of predictable patterns used by authors in crafting a text. Literature webs (LW) can be used as visual representations of the plot, setting, characterizations, and theme of narratives, and they can be used to high light authors' patterns used in predictable trade books. Literature webs provide an instructional scaffolding for prediction, discussion, and language extension activities using children's trade books. Since literature webs were intended for use with children's trade books, we felt that using LWs together with predictable books could prove useful for us as teachers and enjoyable for our first-grade students. As a result, we designed the literature webbing strategy lesson (LWSL).


This article was originally published in The Reading Teacher. The full-text article from the publisher can be found here.

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The Reading Teacher


The Reading Teacher © 1989 Wiley
