This collection features scholarly and creative work by faculty members of the College of Education and Professional Studies at Central Washington University.

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Submissions from 2024


Leadership Evaluation Paper: Establishing A Culture of Gender Equality in EMS, Emily Gonzalez

Submissions from 2023


Patterns of Gender Equitable Attitudes and Behaviors Among Young Men: Relationships With Violence Perpetration and Masculinity Ideologies, Erin A. Casey, Claire Willey-Sthapit, Jill C. Hoxmeier, and Juliana Carlson


Lower extremity kinematics during running and hip abductor strength in iliotibial band syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Eric Foch, Richard A. Brindle, and Michael B. Pohl


Autonomic Function Recovery and Physical Activity Levels in Post-COVID-19 Young Adults after Immunization: An Observational Follow-Up Case-Control Study, Ana Paula Coelho Figueira Freire, Shaan Amin, Fabio Santos Lira, Ana Elisa von Ah Morano, Telmo Pereira, Manuel-João Coelho-E-Silva, Armando Caseiro, Diego Giulliano Destro Christofaro, Vanessa Ribeiro Dos Santos, Osmar Marchioto Júnior, Ricardo Aurino Pinho, and Bruna Spolador de Alencar Silva


The influence of body segment estimation methods on body segment inertia parameters and joint moments in javelin throwing, Hans-Peter Köhler, Axel Schüler, Felix Quaas, Hannes Fiedler, Maren Witt, and Karen Roemer


Examination of the Cumulative Risk Assessment and Nutritional Profiles among College Ballet Dancers, Kenya Moore, Nancy A. Uriegas, Jessica Pia, Dawn M. Emerson, Kelly Pritchett, and Toni M. Torres-McGehee

Submissions from 2022


"EAT ME!": A strange and incomprehensible world of other people's stories, Yukari Takimoto Amos


Playing with shadows: white academics’ rituals of goodness, Yukari Takimoto Amos


“I have a Ph.D. in my daughter”: Mother and Child Experiences of Living with Childhood Chronic Illness, Kendall Baker and Amy M. Claridge


Urinary Aflatoxin M1 Concentration and Its Determinants in School-Age Children in Southern Ethiopia, Tafere Gebreegziabher Belay, Melanie Dean, Elilta Elias, Workneh Tsegaye, and Barbara J. Stoecker


Children’s experiences of stress and coping during hospitalization: A mixed-methods examination, Amy Claridge and Olivia Powell


The Modified Back Beliefs Questionnaire as a tool to screen for incorrect beliefs regarding back pain: Cross-cultural adaptation and measurement properties, Daysiane A.M. Fernandes, Ana Paula Coelho Figueira Freire, Jéssica Mendes Santos, Italo R. Lemes, Leandro M. Diniz, Marcia R. Franco, Juliana M. Ocarino, and Rafael Zambelli Pinto


Isotemporal Substitution of Sedentary Behavior by Different Physical Activity Intensities on Pain and Disability of Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain: A Cross-Sectional Study, Ana Paula Coelho Figueira Freire, Crystian Bitencourt Soares de Oliveira, Diego Giulliano Destro Chrstofaro, Sean Shumate, Larissa Bragança Falcão Marques, and Rafael Zambelli Pinto


Cardiac conditions, Ana Paula Coelho Figueira Freire and Mark R. Elkins


Role of Body Mass and Physical Activity in Autonomic Function Modulation on Post-COVID-19 Condition: An Observational Subanalysis of Fit-COVID Study, Ana Paula Coelho Figueira Freire, Fabio Santos Lira, Ana Elisa von Ah Morano, Telmo Pereira, Manuel-João Coelho-E-Silva, Armando Caseiro, Diego Giullano Destro Christofaro, Osmar Marchioto Júnior, Gilson Pires Dorneles, Luciele Guerra Minuzzi, Ricardo Aurino Pinho, and Bruna Spolador de Alencar Silva


Consumption, nicotine dependence and motivation for smoke cessation during early stages of COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil: A cross-sectional study, Ana Paula Coelho Figueira Freire, Bruna A.S. Medina, Marceli R. Leite, Tainá O. Lopes, Ester T. Santos, Milena M. Ferreira, Bruna S.A. Silva, Margaret A. Cavalcante, and Francis L. Pacagnelli


Supplemented phase diagrams for vitrification CPA cocktails: DP6, VS55 and M22, Z. Han, L. Gangwar, E. Magnuson, M. L. Etheridge, Charles O. Pringle, J. C. Bischof, and John Choi


Multicultural, Global, and International: Literature Defined, Danielle E. Hartsfield and Sharryn Larsen Walker


A brief report relating physical activity and depressive symptoms in women during the COVID-19 pandemic, Kim Hollingdale, Casey Mace Firebaugh, and Stephanie M. Morgan


Men's participation in anti-violence activism: frequency and relationships with demographic characteristics and history of sexual harassment perpetration, Jill C. Hoxmeier, Juliana Carlson, Erin Casey, and Claire Willey-Sthapit


College Students’ Engagement in Violence Prevention Discussions with Peers, Jill C. Hoxmeier, Rachel A. Connor, and Sarah McMahon


Bystander Intervention Opportunities and Prosocial Behaviors Among Gender and Sexual Minority College Students, Jill C. Hoxmeier, Annelise Mennicke, and Sarah McMahon


Sexual Violence Victimization and Perceptions of Campus Climate among Gender and Sexual Minoritized Men, Jill C. Hoxmeier, Julia O'Connor, and Shayna Forgetta


Sexual Violence Among Sorority Women: Victimization Experiences, Contexts, and Disclosure, Jill C. Hoxmeier, Julia O'Connor, and Sarah McMahon


The Theory of Planned Behavior & Bystander Intention: Differences Based on Gender and Heavy Episodic Drinking, Dylan A. John, Jill C. Hoxmeier, and Amy L. Brown


Tactical Masters Athletes: BMI Index Classifications, Marc Keefer, Joe Walsh, Kent Adams, Mike Climstein, Chad Harris, and Mark DeBeliso


José Martí’s sign and symbol to Pedagogy, YiShan Lea


Examining self-efficacy and COVID-19 disease prevention behaviors among socially vulnerable populations, Casey Mace-Firebaugh, Amie Wojtyna, Debra Rich, and Tishra Beeson


Biomechanics associated with tibial stress fracture in runners: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Clare E. Milner, Eric Foch, Joseph M. Gonzales, and Drew Peterson


Architectures of analytics intelligent decision technologies systems (IDTS) for the COVID-19 pandemic, Manuel Mora, Fen Wang, Gloria Phillips-Wren, and Gabriela Lopez-Torres


Bystander Opportunity, Actions, and Inaction in Suspected Intimate Partner Violence: Differences Between Graduate and Undergraduate Students, Jane E. Palmer and Jill C. Hoxmeier


Comparison of hemodynamic responses between conventional and virtual reality therapies in patients with heart failure admitted to an emergency room, Angélica Bologna Raposo, Alice Haniuda Moliterno, João Pedro Lucas Neves Silva, Rafael Varago Favri, Ana Paula Coelho Figueira Freire, and Francis Lopes Pacagnelli


Effects of Magnesium Supplementation on Muscle Soreness and Performance, Alyssum M. Reno, Matt Green, Lauren G. Killen, Erik K. O'Neal, Kelly Pritchett, and Zella Hanson


The Influence of Emotions in the Collegiate Sport Workplace: An Analysis of Sport Employee Pride, Passion, and Engagement, Logan Schuetz, Brent D. Oja, Sean Dahlin, and Alicia B. Romano


Reflections on Peruvian Textile Traditions: A Living Heritage exhibit, Astrid Vidalon-Shields


Effective Decision Support in the Big Data Era: Optimize Organizational Performance via BI&A, Fen Wang, Mahesh S. Raisinghani, Manuel Mora, and Jeffrey Forrest

Submissions from 2021


Paradoxical Treatment of East Asian Women International Faculty Members' Accented English in an Era of Internationalization of Higher Education, Yukari Takimoto Amos


"What hypocrites!": interactions between Japanese international and white domestic students in a U.S. teacher education programme, Yukari Takimoto Amos


A Scoping Review on Category A Agents as Bioweapons, Sarah L. Beale, Tara Rava Zolnikov, and Casey Mace Firebaugh


Can learning be enhanced with active seating?, Judy Beard and Kirk Mathias


Pregnancy and Childbirth Expectations During COVID-19 in a Convenience Sample of Women in the United States, Tishra Beeson, Amy Claridge, Amie Wojtyna, Debra Rich, Gracie Minks, and Adrienne Larson


Culturally & Linguistically Appropriate OSH Professional Practice, Morgan Bliss and Mandi Kime


Being more than just seen: the struggle of navigating the white space of teacher education, Grace Inae Blum, Keith Reyes, and Eric Hougan


Effect of the lysosomotropic agent chloroquine on mTORC1 activation and protein synthesis in human skeletal muscle, Michael S. Borack, Jared M. Dickinson, Christopher S. Fry, Paul T. Reidy, Melissa M. Markofski, Rachel R. Deer, Kristofer Jennings, Elena Volpi, and Blake B. Rasmussen


Current evidence for the effectiveness of psychosocial interventions for children undergoing medical procedures, Alison J. Chrisler, Amy M. Claridge, Jennifer Staab, Sarah R. Daniels, Victoria Vaden, and Danielle McTaggart


Pregnancy Intentions of First-Time Mothers and Their Children's Outcomes: Unraveling Reciprocal Pathways, Amy M. Claridge


The interaction between servant leadership and organizational culture: an NCAA Division III case study, Sean Dahlin and Pete Schroeder


Nutritional status of children living within institution-based care: a retrospective analysis with funnel plots and control charts for programme monitoring, Emily DeLacey, Evan Hilberg, Elizabeth Allen, Michael Quiring, Cally J. Tann, Nora Ellen Groce, James Vilus, Ethan A. Bergman, Merzel Demasu-Ay, Hang T. Dam, and Marko Kerac


An Essential but Overlooked Workforce: Elevating the Need to Investigate the Career Development of Paraeducators, Conra D. Gist, Amaya Garcia, and Yukari Takimoto Amos


Victim/Survivor Perception of Bystander Helpfulness in Dating Abuse Situations, Jill C. Hoxmeier


History of Sexual Assault Perpetration and Violence-Related Prosocial Tendencies Among Men by Fraternity Affiliation Status, Jill C. Hoxmeier and Daniel Zapp


The Power of Relationships in the Academic Success of Mexican Descent Students: A Metasynthesis of Qualitative Research, Craig A. Hughes


Integrating Common Data Analytics Tools into Non-Technical Undergraduate Curricula, Kurt Kirstein


Praxis of Jose Marti: Politico Literary Discourse and Agency for Independence Movement, YiShan Lea


The effects of acute aerobic and resistance exercise on mTOR signaling and autophagy markers in untrained human skeletal muscle, Corey E. Mazo, Andrew C. D'Lugos, Kaylin R. Sweeney, Jacob M. Haus, Siddhartha S. Angadi, Chad C. Carroll, and Jared M. Dickinson


Effect of Pre-Exercise Ice Slurry Ingestion on Physiological and Perceptual Measures in Athletes with Spinal Cord Injuries, Alexis Moore, Kelly Pritchett, Robert Pritchett, and Elizabeth Broad


Examination of Athlete Triad Symptoms Among Endurance-Trained Male Athletes: A Field Study, Erin M. Moore, Clemens Drenowatz, David F. Stodden, Kelly Pritchett, Thaddus C. Brodrick, Brittany T. Williams, Justin M. Goins, and Toni M. Torres-McGehee


Impacts of IDEF0-Based Models on the Usefulness, Learning, and Value Metrics of Scrum and XP Project Management Guides, Manuel Mora, Olayele Adelakun, Sergio Galvan-Cruz, and Fen Wang


Development methodologies for ontology-based knowledge management systems: A review, Manuel Mora, Fen Wang, Jorge Marx Gómez, and Gloria Phillips-Wren


Evaluating analytics DSS for the COVID-19 pandemic through WHO-INTEGRATE EtD for health policy, Manuel Mora, Fen Wang, Gloria Phillips-Wren, and Jorge Marx Gomez


Exposure to Campus Messages about Dating and Sexual Violence: A Latent Class Analysis, Julia O'Connor, Jill C. Hoxmeier, Sarah McMahon, Julia Cusano, and Courtney Wilson


#MeToo for Whom? Sexual Assault Disclosures Before and After #MeToo, Jane E. Palmer, Erica R. Fissel, Jill C. Hoxmeier, and Erin Williams


Risk of Low Energy Availability in National and International Level Paralympic Athletes: An Exploratory Investigation, Kelly Pritchett, Alicia DiFolco, Savannah Glasgow, Robert Pritchett, Katy Williams, Trent Stellingwerff, Patricia Roney, Susannah Scaroni, and Elizabeth Broad


Examining Eating Attitudes and Behaviors in Collegiate Athletes, the Association Between Orthorexia Nervosa and Eating Disorders, Nancy A. Uriegas, Zachary K. Winkelmann, Kelly Pritchett, and Toni M. Torres-McGehee


Comparison of constant load exercise intensity for verification of maximal oxygen uptake following a graded exercise test in older adults, Ian R. Villanueva, John C. Campbell, Serena M. Medina, Theresa M. Jorgensen, Shannon L. Wilson, Siddhartha S. Angadi, Glenn A. Gaesser, and Jared M. Dickinson

Submissions from 2020


No significant effect of caffeine on five kilometer running performance after muscle damage, Ali M. Al-Nawaiseh, Robert Pritchett, Kelly Pritchett, Mo'ath F. Bataineh, Akef M. Taifour, David Bellar, Makenzie A. Schoeff, Brian Fox, Amy Judge, and Lawrence W. Judge


Reading an Other People's Story: American Teacher Candidates Interpreting a Children's Story from Japan, Yukari Takimoto Amos and Tiffany Nicole Nelson


Teaching Online Physical Education: The Art of Connection in the Digital Classroom, Judy Beard and Ferman Konukman


Disparities in the prevalence and risk factors of anaemia among children aged 6–24 months and 25–59 months in Ethiopia, Tafere Gebreegziabher Belay, Nigatu Regassa, Micaela Wakefield, Kelly Pritchett, and Susan Hawk


High variability of iodine in iodized salt and urine from rural households in Sidama zone, Southern Ethiopia: A cross-sectional study., Tafere Gebreegziabher Belay and Barbara J. Stoecker


Nutrient analysis of school lunches and anthropometric measures in a private and public school in Chennai, India, Ethan A. Bergman, Dharini Krishnan, Timothy F. Englund, Raj Gururajan, and Heather Gerrish


Life Course and Socioecological Influences on Gender-Equitable Attitudes Among Men: A Scoping Review, Erin A. Casey, Anna Ihrig, Melinda Roman, Jill C. Hoxmeier, Juliana Carlson, and Kelsey Greer


Relationships between Energy Cost and Kinematic Responses of Trained Runners to Variable-Gradient Running, Jared M. Dickinson, Vincent M. Nethery, and Leo D'Acquisto


Relationship between iliotibial band syndrome and hip neuromechanics in women runners, Eric Foch, Kevin Aubol, and Clare E. Milner


Weak associations between hip adduction angle and hip abductor muscle activity during running, Eric Foch, Richard A. Brindle, and Clare E. Milner


Men’s perspectives on risk identification, taking responsibility, and prosocial intervention: Primary prevention or harm reduction?, Jill C. Hoxmeier, Julia O'Connor, and Sarah McMahon


Distality of Attentional Focus and Its Role in Postural Balance Control, Christian Kupper, Karen Roemer, Elizabeth Jusko, and Karen Zentgraf


Post-Exercise Sweat Loss Estimation Accuracy of Athletes and Physically Active Adults: A Review, Eric O'Neal, Tara Boy, Brett Davis, Kelly Pritchett, Robert Pritchett, Svetlana Nepocatych, and Katherine Black


Mobbability: Understanding How a Vulnerable Academia Can Be Healthier, Naomi J. Petersen and Rebecca L. Pearson


Hydration and Cooling Strategies for Paralympic Athletes, Kelly Pritchett, Elizabeth Broad, Jacque Scaramella, and Sally Baumann


A Gender-Based Analysis of Conflict Management Styles for Construction Management Students, Jennifer Serne and David W. Martin


Energy Availability With or Without Eating Disorder Risk in Collegiate Female Athletes and Performing Artists, Toni M. Torres-McGehee, Dawn M. Emerson, Kelly Pritchett, Erin M. Moore, Allison B. Smith, and Nancy A. Uriegas


Coach Development: Practical Recommendations for Interscholastic Sport, Pete Van Mullem and Kirk Mathias


Influencing Professional Practice through Academic Service Learning (AS-L): Pre-Service Teachers Share their Ideas, Sharryn Larsen Walker and Anne Katz


Human Factors: enhancing pilot performance, Dale R. Wilson


The Chivalrous Bystander: The Role of Gender-Based Beliefs and Empathy on Bystander Behavior and Perceived Barriers to Intervention, Kristen Yule, Jill C. Hoxmeier, Kevin Petranu, and John Grynch

Submissions from 2019


Implementing Music as a Formative Assessment Strategy to Improve Student Cognition, Judy Beard and Mark Perez


Technical Communication: Key Elements for the Safety Practitioner, Morgan Bliss and Jeff Dalto


Perceived Coparenting Support and Later Relationship Status among Cohabiting Parents, Sung Cho, Ming Cui, and Amy M. Claridge


Cigarettes vs. E-Cigarettes: Policy Implications from a Focus Group Study, Page D. Dobbs, David T. Rolfe, and Marshall K. Cheney


Driving While High, Page D. Dobbs, Michael Smith, and David T. Rolfe


Influence of Previous Iliotibial Band Syndrome on Coordination Patterns and Coordination Variability in Female Runners, Eric Foch and Clare E. Milner


Education and Indoctrination in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Khodi Kaviani


The Agricultural Deities of Q ’Eqchi’ Mayas, Tzuultaq’as: Agricultural Rituals as Historical Obligation and Avatar of the Cultural Reservoir in Rural Lanquín , Alta Verapaz, Guatemala, YiShan Lea


An exploration of commitment in nature-based recreation, and its relationship with participation and purchase behaviour, Brent Lovelock, Carla Jellum, Anna Carr, and Tim Jowett


Hot Yoga and Pregnancy: Establishing Participation Rates and Areas for Further Investigation, Casey Mace-Firebaugh and Brandon Eggleston


A Comparative Review on the Agile Tenets in the IT Service Management and the Software Engineering Domains, Manuel Mora, Fen Wang, Jorge Marx Gómez, and Oswaldo Díaz


Hydration Status and Perception of Fluid Loss in Male and Female University Rugby Union Players, Trev Muth, Robert Pritchett, Kelly Pritchett, James DePaepe, and Rachael Blank


Mid-Career Faculty Development Model: Sport Management Faculty Perspectives, Donna L. Pastore, Sean Dahlin, and James Morton


Strategies for Efficient, Meaningful, and Inclusive Online Learning Environments: It's About Time, Naomi J. Petersen