This collection features scholarly and creative work by faculty members of the College of Education and Professional Studies at Central Washington University.
The Brooks Library can assist CWU faculty with locating, digitizing, clearing copyright and depositing their scholarship in ScholarWorks. Please email the for more information.
Submissions from 2001
A Spot of Our Own: The Cultural Relevancy, Anti-Bias Resource Room, Cory Gann
Occupational Physical Activity as an Indicator of Health and Fitness, Jon Hammermeister, Randy M. Page, Dennis Dolny, and Timothy R. Burnham
Optimistic and ability biases in pilots’ decisions and perceptions of risk regarding VFR flight into IMC, Dale R. Wilson and Marte Fallshore
Submissions from 2000
The Role of Physical Activity in the Prevention and Treatment of Childhood Obesity, Scott O. Roberts
Submissions from 1999
Selecting and Training the International Sales Force: Comparison of China and Slovakia, Earl D. Honeycutt Jr., John B. Ford, Robert A. Lupton, and Theresa B. Flaherty
Darkness Increases Risks of Flight, Dale R. Wilson
Submissions from 1998
Removing the Mystery: Evaluation of a Parent Manual by Adolescent Parents, Connie Lambert
Submissions from 1997
Teaching Through Stories, Stephen C. Goodwin and Andrew P. Jenkins
Submissions from 1996
The Effects of Computer-Assisted Versus Teacher-Directed Instruction on the Multiplication Performance of Elementary Students with Learning Disabilities, Rich Wilson, David Majsterek, and Deborah Simmons
Submissions from 1995
Phonological Awareness and Beginning Reading: Evaluation of a School-Based Screening Procedure, David J. Majsterek and Audrey E. Ellenwood
Submissions from 1994
Low-fat bison-hybrid ground meat has no effects on serum lipid levels in a study of 12 men, Linda A. Towle, Ethan A. Bergman, and Emanuthu Joseph
Submissions from 1993
Children's Perceptions of others' Kindness in Helping: The Endocentric Motivations of Pride and Guilt, David N. Shorr
Copyright policy development, Charles W. Vlcek
Submissions from 1992
Adoptable Copyright Policy: Copyright Policy and Manuals Designed for Adoption by Schools, Colleges & Universities, Charles W. Vlcek
Submissions from 1990
Comparative Self-Concept Variances of School Children in Two English-Speaking West African Nations, Osman Alawiye, Catherine Zeimet Alawiye, and John I. Thomas
Loneliness among College Students, James J. Ponzetti Jr.
Submissions from 1989
Time demands on families: Is there a bottom line?, Pamela N. Olson, James J. Ponzetti Jr., and Geraldine I. Olson
Using a Literature Webbing Strategy Lesson with Predictable Books, D. Ray Reutzel and Parker C. Fawson
Submissions from 1988
Caffeine does not cause in vitro calcium loss from neonatal mouse calvaria, Ethan A. Bergman, Jarrett W. Newbrey, and Linda K. Massey
Submissions from 1987
Learning Mathematics and Science through Play, Michael L. Henniger
Submissions from 1984
Reflectivity Bias in Picture-Pointing Grammatical Comprehension Tasks, David N. Shorr and Philip S. Dale
Submissions from 1983
In My Opinion: The Sexual Revolution in Perspective, Luther G. Baker
Grammatical Comprehension Assessment: The Picture Avoidance Strategy, David N. Shorr
Submissions from 1972
Educating the Mildly Retarded: A Review, Gary W. Hammons
Submissions from 1957
In Retrospect: In the Magic Circle, Amanda K. Hebeler
Submissions from 1951
The United Nations in a Teachers College, Elwyn Hope Odell
Submissions from 1950
Radio's Baby Grows Up, Lyman M. Partridge
Role of Meaning in Reading., Charles W. Saale
Sources of Friction among People Living in Rural Communities, Charles W. Saale
Submissions from 1949
American Education, Inc., Lyman M. Partridge
Instruction in the Use of Maps Needs to Be Increased, Charles W. Saale
New Trends in School Lighting, Charles W. Saale
Read and Learn: Knowledge of Reading Psychology Essential to Effective Teaching, Charles W. Saale
Some Psychological Bases for Improving Reading, Charles W. Saale
Our Obsolete Grading, Emil E. Samuelson and Loretta Miller
Submissions from 1948
Fifteen Years A-Growing — A Plan for Evaluating Achievement., Amanda K. Hebeler
Science in Modern Life, Edmund L. Lind
A Modulated Light Transmitter and Receiver, Harold Russell McArthur
How Shall We Teach Current Events, Lyman M. Partridge
The Latest from John Dewey, Lyman M. Partridge
Applications of the Film in Health and Physical Education, Jessie Puckett
New Trends in School Lighting, Charles Saale
Promotional Practices in Washington Schools, Emil E. Samuelson
Submissions from 1947
Ahead Lies a World Without War: A Proposal for Worldwide Compulsory Education, A. J. Foy Cross
Recreation Leadership Training, Shelton Kem
Audio-Visual Education in Teacher Education, Robert E. McConnell
Training Teachers to Use Audio-Visual Aids, Robert E. McConnell
Submissions from 1946
Study the children, Mabel T. Anderson and Amanda K. Hebeler
The Seattle B-29 School, John A. Barr and Reino Randall
The Military Training Issue: History Denies the Wisdom of Compulsory Military Service in Peacetime, Harold E. Barto
Art for All, Josephine Burley
Recent Research in Teacher Education, Emil E. Samuelson
You'd Like Teaching, Emil E. Samuelson, Harold Barto, Connie King, Ernest L. Muzzall, Reino Randall, Mary Simpson, Loron Sparks, and Sarah Spurgeon
Submissions from 1945
An Experiment in Education: The Army Air Forces College Training Program, Central Washington College of Education, Paul E. Blackwood, J. L. Botsford, Julia Larson Gibson, Elbert Honeycutt, Norman Howell, Rush Jordan, Walter Kembel, Ernest L. Muzzall, Leo S. Nicholson, B. A. Robinson, and Reginald M. Shaw
The Reading Problem in Junior High, Catharine Bullard
The Stuff of Which Peace Is Made, A. J. Foy Cross
Better Than Nothing, But..., Lyman M. Partridge
Educational Research in Washington, Emil E. Samuelson
In Defense of the Public Schools, Emil E. Samuelson
Impacts of the War on the Pacific Northwest, Reginald M. Shaw
Submissions from 1944
Help Check Inflation, Harold E. Barto
Preparation in English of Prospective Teachers of English, Catharine Bullard
Health Education and Physical Fitness in the College Program, Robert E. McConnell
Needs of the In-Service Training Program, Robert E. McConnell
Standards of Elementary School Service, Robert E. McConnell
Intelligence and Achievement Testing of Convalescent Crippled Children, Loretta M. Miller
Helping the Exceptional Child in the Classroom, Loretta Marie Miller
Classroom Sketches, Pearl Jones Spencer and Amanda Katherine Hebeler
Submissions from 1943
Speech Development Aids Elementary Pupils, Amanda Katherine Hebeler
The Young Consumer, Amanda Katherine Hebeler
Educational Objectives for the Post-War Period, Emil E. Samuelson
Submissions from 1942
Missing Pillars, Amanda Katherine Hebeler
Not Methods But Results, Sue M. Hoffman
Six Books on Child Development, Robert E. McConnell
Housing Needs, Helen Michaelsen
A Checklist of Democratic School Practices, Ernest L. Muzzall
The War and the Public Schools, Emil E. Samuelson
Submissions from 1941
An Outdoor Reading Room, Catherine Bullard
Health at the Preschool Ages, Hubert Stanley Coffey
Your School from First-Hand Observation, Hubert Stanley Coffey
Classroom Suites Unify Activities, Amanda Katherine Hebeler
Functional Education for Teachers and Pupils, Robert E. McConnell
Rating Teachers To Help Them Grow, Emil E. Samuelson
The Evaluation of Teachers and Teaching, Emil E. Samuelson
Growing through Christmas Giving, Mary Simpson and Sarah Spurgeon
Submissions from 1940
Power Politics in the Baltic, Harold E. Barto and Reginald M. Shaw
Oldsters Learn from Observing Youngsters, Hubert Stanley Coffey
New Schools for Old, Amanda K. Hebeler
When Classroom Becomes Cafeteria, Ernest L. Muzzall
The Foreign Policy of Gladstone's Second Administration, Elwyn Hope Odell
Submissions from 1939
Backgrounds of German-Polish Relations, Harold E. Barto
Social Studies in State Courses, Harold E. Barto
Social Study Survey of State Courses of Study, Harold E. Barto
Pupil Interest in the Core Curriculum, Robert E. McConnell
Visual Aids in Education, Ernest L. Muzzall
Institutional Teacher Placement, Emil E. Samuelson
Submissions from 1938
When Should Reading Begin?, Amanda Katherine Hebeler
The Fundamentals of Speech Course in the Teacher Training School, Russell W. Lembke
Teacher Training Appropriate for the Modern School, Robert E. McConnell
Logics: Subverbal, Verbal, and Superverbal: An approach to evolutionary psychology, Selden Smyser