Document Type
Department or Administrative Unit
Educational Foundations and Curriculum
Publication Date
The schools, like society in which they operate, are in a state of flux. New courses have been added; various theories of psychology have been tried; methods have been changed; subject matter has been reorganized; and many administrative devices have been tried. Not all changes, however, have been in one direction and not all changes have been fundamental or deep-seated. Mere change in itself has no merit. Changes should be evaluated in terms of recognized fundamentals. The test of the value of change should be in terms of the product of the education. Uppermost in the minds of educators should be the nature of the individual who is going out from the schools. Their objective, as John Dewey has said, should be "to develop the insight and understanding that will enable the youth who go forth from the schools to take part in the great work of construction and organization that will have to be done, and to equip them with the attitudes and habits of action that will make their understanding and insight practically effective."
Recommended Citation
McConnell, R. E. (1938). Teacher Training Appropriate for the Modern School. Educational Administration and Supervision, 24, 11-16.
Educational Administration and Supervision
This article was originally published in Educational Administration and Supervision.