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Department or Administrative Unit
Educational Foundations and Curriculum
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This isn't a discussion of whether we spend too much or too little for education. The true American patriot would spend his last dollar to insure our democracy as our way of life. Through armed force we have reffirmed our right to live in a democratic society, but only through exended public education can we be assured that our people will continue to want to live in a democracy and that thev will know how to live in the American way. America for these reasons can afford free public education at any cost. This is, rather than a discussion of costs, an attempt to show the vital importance to the democracies' peace efforts of the complex task confronting the modern professional educator in a modern public elementary school.
Recommended Citation
Cross, A. J. F. (1947). The Stuff of Which Peace Is Made. Washington Education Journal, 26(8), 223-224, 246.
Washington Education Journal
This article was originally published in Washington Education Journal.