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Department or Administrative Unit
Educational Foundations and Curriculum
Publication Date
A year ago the attention of the world was focused upon central Europe. Then for a brief moment Poland flashed, and today the Baltic Sea region is in the spotlight. After a lapse of some two centuries, this sudden re-appearance of the Baltic to assume a major role in European affairs calls for comment. Touching upon these Baltic waters are six small democracies (Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Esthonia, Liatvia, Lithuania) and two powerful totalitarian states ( Germany and Russia.) In view of recent and current developments, two questions arise : ( 1) will one or both of the totalitarian states control the Baltic? (2) what will become of the democracies? This article makes no attempt to answer the above questions. It aims only to point out briefly that the desire and struggle for control of the Baltic is not new; to show some relationships between Baltic politics and geography; and to uncover certain roots of the past that may clarify the events of today.
Recommended Citation
Barto, H. E. & Shaw, R. M. (1940). Power Politics in the Baltic. Washington Education Journal, 19(4), 79-80.
Washington Education Journal
This article was originally published in Washington Education Journal.