Document Type

Graduate Project

Date of Degree Completion

Summer 1984

Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)



Committee Chair

Dan A. Unruh

Second Committee Member

William G. Gaskell

Third Committee Member

Byron L. DeShaw


At the Annual Administrator's Retreat in August of 1982, the new Assistant Superintendent for Instruction, Dr. Robert Whitehead, asked the middle school vice principals what they felt was needed in the way of new programs or changes in current ones to improve the present curriculum. Several suggestions were presented in the areas of attendance, discipline, and accountability of students. Two assignments were given, one to prepare a Saturday School proposal and the other to identify and establish a need for a summer school program that would be designed to meet the needs of fifth through eighth· grade students.

The following report is an effort to present the problems and difficulties that arose in creating a new program in an objective way so that it may be used as a guide for others that wish to establish similar programs.
