Document Type

Graduate Project

Date of Degree Completion


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)



Committee Chair

Bill Lacey


The Camas School District; Student Learning Objectives (K-8) is designed to help school district personnel comply with Washington State Student Learning Objectives Law RCW 28A.58.090, which requires that all school districts in the state of Washington develop student learning objectives in the areas of reading, language arts, and mathematics. This guide was developed to identify, clarify, and catagorize, sets of goals and student learning objectives which will improve students' learning opportunities in the area of mathematics, and at the same time provide direction for the classroom teacher.

This guide does not reflect all of the goals and objectives taught at any specific grade level, but the goals and objectives which the community of Camas and the Camas School District feel are the backbone of our mathematics curriculum.

This guide will be considered a working document. As it is used, suggestions for change or revision will be noted so that the guide can constantly reflect the views of the Camas community, school district and the needs of our students.

An effort was made by the community and professional staff not to develop the goals and objectives around any one set of materials. The scope and sequence should prove to be appropriate for a variety of materials.

The purpose of this document is to satisfy the legal requirements of the Student Learning Objectives Law RCW 28A.58.090 and to provide the Camas School District with math student learning objectives and indicators. Contained in this guide are the objectives and indicators that the Camas School District chose as their student learning objectives. Through the use of these objectives the parents, the Camas School District, and the Superintendent of Public Instruction will be able to measure student achievement and performance.
