This collection features scholarly and creative work by faculty and staff of the James E. Brooks Library at Central Washington University.
Submissions from 2012
Internet Reviews: LiveScience, John Creech
Internet Reviews: Understanding Evolution, John Creech
Science and Technology Resources on the Internet: Biodiversity Web Resources, John Creech
Participation in Local Library Associations: The Benefits to Participants, Mary Wise
Submissions from 2011
Ethical Considerations in Classification Practice: A Case Study Using Creationism and Intelligent Design, Daniel CannCasciato
Incorporating Accreditation into Strategic Planning in Academic Libraries: A Look at Nine Libraries in Washington State, Daniel CannCasciato
Virginia Thoren: Chasing Beauty - New York and Paris, Patricia Cutright
Review of Controlling the Past: Documenting Society and Institutions--Essays in Honor of Helen Willa Samuels, Stephen J. Hussman
Submissions from 2010
An Essay on Cataloging, Daniel CannCasciato
The integration of course support materials into the information literacy research process: A survey of textbooks and faculty attitudes and their implications for library development, Marcus Kieltyka and Christopher Mayer
Submissions from 2009
Elder Self-neglect and Abuse and Mortality Risk in a Community-Dwelling Population, Gregory Paveza, XinQi Dong MD, Melissa Simon MD, Carols Mendes de Leon, Tery Fulmer RN, Todd Beck, Liesi Herbert, Carmel Dyer MD, and Denis Evans MD
Submissions from 2008
Human Resource Administration in the Academic Library, Dennis R. Defa
A Case Study of the eHRAF Collection of Ethnography Database in the Middle East, Patrick A. Owens
The Evolution of Reading and Writing in the Networked Era, Bob Stein and Anna Creech
Submissions from 2007
Information technologies and civic engagement: Perspectives from librarianship and planning, Aimée C. Quinn and Laxmi Ramasubramanian
Carrying Your Life in Your Pocket: Portable Electronics in Libraries, Mary Wise
Submissions from 2006
Managing Digital Resources, or, How Do You Hold Electrons In Your Hand?, Anna L. Creech
The Online Government Information Movement: Retracing the Route to DigiGov Through the Federal Documents Collection, Jan Jorgensen
Rufus Woods: High Priest of the Columbia River, Dieter C. Ullrich
The Open WorldCat Is Out of the Bag, Mary Wise
Submissions from 2005
Cataloging the Congressional Serial Set, Aimée C. Quinn
Government information: New challenges in the internet age, Aimée C. Quinn
Benicia's Model ESL Program, Mary Wise
Books, Hot Coffee and a Comfortable Chair, Mary Wise
WALE Conference: Of Sand and Polar Bears, Mary Wise and Zippy Nickerson
Submissions from 2004
Honoring the past and creating a new future, Aimée C. Quinn
Pursuing a Return on Technology, Mary Wise
Submissions from 2003
Hierarchical Gaps and Subject Authority Control Processing : an Assessment, Daniel CannCasciato and Mary Wise
Keeping the citizenry informed: early congressional printing and 21st century information policy, Aimée C. Quinn
Submissions from 2000
Patron Guides to the LC Classification Schedules at Central Washington University Library, Daniel CannCasciato
Retrospective Application of Subject Headings, Part 2: a Case Study at the Central Washington University Library, Daniel CannCasciato
Submissions from 1999
Retrospective Application of Subject Headings, Part 1: a Case Study at the Central Washington University Library, Daniel CannCasciato
The Guitar in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, Julie D. Carmen
Submissions from 1998
Open Government, Closed Stacks: Onsite Storage of Depository Materials, Aimée C. Quinn and Michaelyn Haslam
Assessing time spent of reference questions at an urban university library, John S. Spencer and Luene Dorsey
Submissions from 1994
Security and Preservation of the Serial Set, Aimée C. Quinn