Document Type
Department or Administrative Unit
Educational Foundations and Curriculum
Publication Date
The Festival of Nations, an all-school activity of the Edison Elementary School of the Washington State Normal School at Ellensburg, has through three years of experience proved itself very rich in social learnings. The festival idea began when a bazaar was suggested as a means of earning money to meet the special activity needs of the school. The teachers agreed that any project used to raise funds should also be of real educational value. It should be related, so far as possible, to the interests of the children in grades two to six inclusive, since these would be the groups participating. It must provide many opportunities for vital and worthwhile learning experiences, and should be in harmony with the essential objectives for each classroom group. The original suggestion of a bazaar was rejected as inadequate, but from it the Festival of Nations developed.
Recommended Citation
Hebeler, A. K. (1935). The Festival of Nations. National Elementary Principal, 14(6), 296-302.
National Elementary Principal
This article was originally published in National Elementary Principal.