CWU's graduate programs in Psychology include the following:
- Applied Behavior Analysis: This degree program trains students to apply behavioral science in real-world settings such as clinics or schools. Students use a systematic approach to the assessment and evaluation of behavior, and the application of interventions that alter behavior.
- Experimental Psychology: This degree is research oriented. Graduates will often work in colleges, universities, research centers, government, and private businesses. Many will continue on for doctoral programs.
- Mental Health Counseling: The MHC program is not being offered at this time.
- School Psychology: This degree is assessment oriented. Candidates interview and test students to identify placement issues and optimize learning. Graduates work as school psychologists within the public school system.
This collection features theses from students in the Department of Psychology Graduate Programs at Central Washington University.
Theses from 2024
Investigating the Role of School Psychologists in Behavioral Assessment and Intervention in the Schools, Avery Kelley
An Examination of Working Memory in Dancers and Non-dancers, Mason Low
Members Only: Do Mandatory Inclusive Introductions Inadvertently Cause Exclusion?, Leah Marie McKinney
Exploring the Role of Self-Complexity in Reducing Intergroup Anxiety and Fear of Discrimination Among Marginalized Group Members, Homa Sheibani Asl
Music Density: A Novel Measurement of Music Perception, Tyler Ussery
Theses from 2023
College Students' Perceptions of Autistic Peers: A Study of Gender and Stigma, Elise LaRue
Cannabis Cues and Effects on Social Anxiety, Erica Steinberg
Theses from 2022
What About Me: Understanding the Relationship Between Gender Identity and Social Anxiety, Jessica Allen
The Interrelatedness of Attachment Insecurity, Alexithymia, and Emotional Loneliness, Becky Fromm
Combatting COVID-19 Misinformation on Social Media: Do False Information Tags Work?, Jeremy Simmons
Theses from 2021
The Personality of Primates: Opinions of Contemporary Primatologists, Courtney Dawn Aucoin
The immigrant in our head: Skin tone, social categorization, and support for policy, Patrizia Chirco
Critically Evaluating Website Credibility: Factors that Influence Perceptions of Online Mental Health Information, Mikayla Kimery
The Effects of Priming on Framing Bias: An Integrative Study Examining Mortality Salience, Self-Affirmation, and Emotional Intelligence, Kyle Klaassen
Graduate School Psychology Students’ Self Report on Multicultural Competence and Program Satisfaction, Jasmin Moreno Sanchez
Frontal Alpha Wave Asymmetry in regard to Affect, Monica Leigh Sewell
Theses from 2020
Effects of Illness Type and Empathy Induction On Illness-Related Stigma in Undergraduate Students, Karlie Hill
Forgive Them, Forgive Them Not: The Role of Remorse and Empathy in Interpersonal Forgiveness, Molly Mortensen
Theses from 2019
Teacher Acceptability of Curriculum Based Measurement as a Universal Screener in Reading, Brooke Adams
Relaxing Music Effects on Implicit Racial Bias and Neural Activity, Viktoriya Robertovna Broyan
The Effects of Therapy Balls on In-Seat and On-Task Behavior in Young Children, Ariel Ching
Music, Video and Perception: An investigation into shaping attitudes toward fish and their natural habitat, Kayla-Ann Hemmings
Impacts of Self-Efficacy on School Psychologists' Provisions of Mental Health Services, Ashley Jantzer
Exploring Locus of Control in Offender Cognition and Recidivism Paradigms, Anistasha Lightning and Danielle Polage
A Book and its Cover: The effects of dynamic and static facial expressions on the perction of personality traits, Jonathan Ojeda
Evaluation of Wildland Firefighter Leadership, Rebecca Rose
The Effects of Self-Esteem and Mood on the Perception of Others, Sydney Wirkkala
Theses from 2018
Gender Differences in Task Switching: An Event-Related Potential Study, Briana M. Bratcher
The Effects of Moral Message Framing on Political Ideology, Matthew Christiansen
Development of the Clark and Becker Scale of Symptomatology (CBS): Symptom-Level Item Performance, Michael Clark
An Examination of the In-Group Hypothesis in Facial Expression Inferences Using American and Indian Samples, Scott Lehrman
The Impact of Mindfulness on Student Success, Casey D. Nightingale
Modeling the Psychiatric Aspects of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Induced Stress, Danielle Peecher
Attitudes Toward Anonymous Public Nudes, Marianna Wendt
Theses from 2017
Effects of Screen Light Filtering Software on Sleep and Morning Alertness, HengYu Chi
Uncertainty's Impact on Perceptions Toward Randomness, Ross Cook
Musical Mnemonic Devices or Method of Loci: Which Promotes Higher Recall of Concrete and Abstract Words?, Sky M. Corby
Cognitive Biases in Alcohol and Marijuana Users, Wyatt G. Frahm
Piano Music as a Behavioral Intervention at the Ellensburg, WA Developmental Preschool, Christopher Hull
Behavioral Differences Between Urban and Rural American Crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos), Carolina Montenegro
Effects of a Growth Mindset Intervention on First-Year College Student Academic Performance, Sarah North Wolfe
Teacher Perceptions of School Climate and PBIS, Douglas Periman
A Cultural Comparison of the Facial Inference Process, Janine Swiney
Theses from 2016
Differences in Attitudes towards Heterosexual and LGBT Homeless Youth in College Students, Jonathan P. S. Clinkenbeard
Effect of Prior Trauma Exposure on Alpha Amplitude, Heart Rate, and Self-Reported Negative Affect, Gina L. DeNoble
Self-Compassion, Mindfulness and Wellbeing in Counselors-in-Training, Lea Fairbanks
Derived Textual Control in Activity Schedules Using a Stimulus Pairing Observation Procedure, Grace Felling
Online Usage Among College Students: A Comparison of Online Gaming and Facebook Users, Jonathan M. Ingram
Measuring Self-Reported Exercise, Motivation to Exercise, and Sexism in Women, Sydney C. Jensen
Life Adversity, Social Support, Resilience, and College Student Mental Health, Joshua Mello
Manding in Children with Autism: Transfer of Control from Adults to Peers, Michael Layne Miller
Examination of the Relationship Between Caesarean Section Births and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Breea M. Rosas
The Effects of Question-Present Versus Item Present Conditions on Acquisition of Mands, Paige M. Thornton
Mate Selection Comparisons in Heterosexual and Homosexual Individuals, Daina Lee Wierzbinski
Theses from 2015
Exercise Motivations of Older Adults, Laura J. Attaway
The Effects of Feedback Sequence on Cognitive Performance, Travis W. Pyle
Electrophysiological and Behavioral Working Memory Differences Between Musicians and Non-Musicians, Benjamin P. Richardson
Theses from 2014
Priming the Data: Examining Self-Potentiation in a Word Fragment Completion Task, Michael P. McDonald
Theses from 2012
A Punishment-free, Toilet-training Protocol for Children with Developmental Disabilities, Chelsea Lynn Pearsall
Theses from 2007
The Public Perception of Enrichment for Captive Animals, Elizabeth Marie Webb
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
The Effect of Familiarity on Social Interactions Between Captive Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and Jumans (Homo sapiens), Bonita Aline King
The Effects of an Organizational Communication Intervention on Job Satisfaction in a Public Health Organization, Ann Kathleen Riley
Theses from 1995
Introversion, Extraversion, and Humor, Tanna Marlane Boucher
National Research Priorities for Organization Development, William Alan Croft
Determining the Relationship Between Applied Action Research and Succession Plan Effectiveness in American Corporations, David Paul Keeser
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
Implementing a New Natural Resource Management Policy : Organizational Culture and Individual Behavioral Skills Requirements, James Reed Bull
Theses/Dissertations from 1993
People and Organizational Culture : Person-Organization Fit as a Predictor of Job Satisfaction and Intent to Leave, Patricia Ann Bucholz
Evaluation of a radiation worker safety training program at a nuclear facility, Janet Elaine Lindsey
Predicting Success of Respiratory Therapy Students in a Community College Program, Robert R. Mitchell
Theses/Dissertations from 1990
Mid-Level Management and First-line Supervisor Competency Requirements for a Municipal Government, John A. Haddix
The Effect of Different Approaches to Goal Setting on Goal Commitment, Eileen Mary Piersa
Theses/Dissertations from 1989
Effects of Training on Tax Compliance for New Businesses in the State of Washington, Judith A. Carr
Theses/Dissertations from 1988
Competency Requirements for Organization Development Professionals Based on Practitioner Critical Incident Interview Data, Gregory B. Hayward
Effects of Interpersonal Skills Training on Tutors in the Academic Skills Center, Barbara Windle Moe
Theses from 1972
The Effect of a Learning Skills Course including Group Counseling on Low Achievers in the Community College, Paul E. Borg
Intradimensional Variability with Numbers and Alphabetical Letters in Conceptual Rules, Thomas Henry Clayton
The Effect of an Increase of a Mother's Complimentary Behavior on her Child's Crying Rate and in-task School Behavior, Mark Connot
Operantly Conditioning a College Student's Study Behaviors, Norman L. Culbertson
The Effects of Truth Table Pretraining and Intradimensional Variability on Rule Learning and Attribute Identification Tasks, Eric S. Gebelein
Experimenter Bias Effect at Varying Levels of Motivation, Leslie Marie Slade Gray
False Physiological Feedback and Acceptance of a High Fear Message, Michael T. Gray
A Comparison of Verbal and Geometric Stimuli in Concept Learning, Robert William Greenway
Teaching Staff Involvement in Planning Open-Concept Elementary Schools, John William Hackney
Reinforcement Program for Junior High EMR Physical Education, Earl L. Hill
Solution Shift Performance of Low Functioning Children, Kathleen L. Levell
Interest, Achievement and Personality Differences and the Direction of Lateral Eye Movement, Frances Irene Lewis
The Role of Stimulus and Label Familiarity in Concept Learning, David W. Philips
Time-Lapse Photography: It's Usefulness in Assessing Children's Classroom Behavior, David Glenn Rucker
Theses from 1971
The Use of Selected Films and Film Discussions in Modifying Social Distance in Elementary School Children, Stanton C. Baker
The Cathartic Effects of Aggressive Responses directed toward an Inanimate Object, Timothy William Creston
Sub-aversive Response Contingent Foot Shock as a Positive Reinforcer, Robert Lea Fulwiler
The Effects of CS Habituation and Duration of the Directional Modification of the Cardiac Response in the Guinea Pig (Cavia procellus), Ray Charles Larson
Duration of State-Dependent Learning induced by NCFS-ECS, Larry Wayne Morris