This collection features theses from Master of Education students in the Department of Education Graduate Programs at Central Washington University.
Theses from 1971
A Survey of the Background and Training of Personnel working in Resident Outdoor Education Camps in Ten School Districts in Washington State, Caetone Lester Domingos
An Item Analysis Comparison between Teaching and Achievement Testing in the Intermediate School of Wapato, Washington, Norman M. Drake
The Impact of Establishing Group Homes on Public Schools Special Education Classes, Stewart Glen Egbert
A Study of the Effectiveness of Various Methods of Teaching Reading in Special Education Classrooms, Mary Ann Fisher
The Effect of Time-Threat on an Arithmetic Test Situation, Russell Dean Flaskerud
An Investigation into the Relationship between Student Grades and Parental Attitude towards the Teacher, Jerry C. Fritts
Modification of Deviant Behavior by Parents, Jeanne M. Gabourie
Comprehension: A Study of the Interpretation of Identical Reading Selections by Fifth Grade Students from Different Cultural Environments., Adrienne Bailor Grant
A Survey of the Integration of Exceptional Children in Regular Classrooms, Catherine A. Greene
A Comparative Investigation of Understanding of Ecological Content between Eighth and Tenth Grade Pupils, David Lee Herbenson
The Effects of Contingency Management on Reading Achievement of Institutionalized Offenders, Forest J. C. Hertlein
An Investigation of Public School Policies and Practices Regarding Married or Pregnant High School Students in the State of Washington, James L. Hoff
Clarification of Photographic Training Needed by the Instructional Media Specialist, William Carl Holland
The Establishment of Educational Television Station KYVE-TV on Channel 47, Donald Forrest Ide
The Effectiveness of Counselors as Judged by High School Graduates, Ray Y. Johnson
A Proposed Classification Schedule for a Curriculum Materials Collection, Robert E. Jones
A Survey Evaluation of the 1970/71 Activities of the Consortium of Washington Education Centers, David Lloyd Kandel
Relationship of Convergent and Divergent Teaching to Creative Performance, Robert Bruce Kibler
A Follow-up Study of the Office Administration Cooperative Work Experience Enrollees at Big Bend Community College for the School Years 1964-65 to 1967-68, Mary Margaret Liebermann
A Review of Academic Gains made by Non-Promoted Pupils in the Tenino Elementary School, John Milton Long
Problem Solving Ability and Effective Group Behavior of Introductory Education Students, Gary Lewis Lord
Comparison of Effectiveness of Basal Readers and Sullivan Programmed Materials, Joan E. Lorenz
The Effect of Reading Achievement of Seventh Grade Special Education Students Involved in a Tutoring Program, Kenneth A. Mattson
Special Education Vocational Rehabilitation Cooperative Work Experience in Washington State, James C. McConnell
A Comparison of the Language Achievement Levels of the Mexican-American Migrant Child with that of the Mexican-American Non-Migrant Child, Kieth L. Miller
A Study of Reading in the Kindergartens of Washington State, VaLara Caroline Minear
The Development and Implementation of an Auto-Tutorial Approach to Trade Mathematics, Warren Dwight Monroe
Competitive Team Sports for Women in Lae, New Guinea, Marilyn A. Moore
Attitudes of Freshmen in the Pre-Professional Preparation Program at Central Washington State College, Fredrick Newton Paul
An Evaluation of an Early Introduction of Algebra I to Junior High School Students on an Extended Basis, Ralph H. Peterson
The Program Development for an Air Force Educational Technology Generalist, Dennis L. Primoli
A Reading Study Skills Course for a Community College, La Ree C. Rasmussen
A Comparative Study of Open Court and Slingerland Reading Programs when used with Special Education Students, Steven L. Richards
An Investigation of Library Skills Acquired by Fifth Grade Students at Harvard Elementary School, Franklin Pierce District, Tacoma, Washington, Larry D. Rodahl
The Effects of a Behavior Modification Program on the Self Concepts of Children in Special Education, Barbara M. Scott
A Survey of Qualifications and Job Activities of Employees Responsible for Space Analysis in Public Four Year Institutions of Higher Education, Duane Marvin Skeen
The Teacher's Contingent Use of Praise and Privilege to Improve Classroom Study Behavior, Margaret E. Taylor
A Comparison of Seven Teaching Traits between Experienced Special Education Teachers and Experienced Regular Education Teachers, James Edward Thomas
A Study of the Status and Leadership of Girls' Athletics and the Attitudes of Teachers of Girls' Physical Education toward Girls' Athletics in the State of Idaho, Connie M. Thorngren
A Study on Differentiated Staffing in the First Class Districts of Washington State, Edward C. Tiegs
A Study of Industrial Arts Teaching Problems and Course Content, Robert G. Torney
Correlation of Auditory Feedback and the Kottmeyer Diagnostic Spelling Test, Jerd Vance Tuman
A Study of Curriculum Methods and Materials Students' (Education 314) Performance at Central Washington State College and Teaching Competence, John Pauline Uhrich Jr.
A Study of the Relationship between Academic Promise Test Scores and Subsequent Achievement Test Scores and Course Grades at the Eighth Grade Level, Dallas B. Vaughan
Retroactive Inhibition versus Proactive Inhibition as a Function of Variable Time Interval among Elementary School Children, Tom L. Warren
Some Interactions in the Evolution of Man and Tools, Gary W. Weston
Informational Components of Attribute Identification and Rule Learning Aspects of Conceptual Behavior, Christianne White
A Comparison of Emphasis of Training and On-The-Job Effectiveness of Media Personnel, Roy E. Williams
Theses from 1970
The Community College Environment; A Comparative Study of Perceptions and Expectations of Liberal Arts Students in Two Community Colleges, Vann Leonzia Anane
A Status Report Comparing Ellensburg School Facilities with Facility Regulations Established by the Washington State Board of Education, Clayton L. Anderson
A Study of the Reading Background and Current Program Practices in Reading Used by Elementary Principals in Washington's Second Class School Districts, Kenneth William Anderson
A Survey of Changing of Units of Measure in First Grade through Eighth Grade Mathematics Materials, Thomas E. Anderson
An Outdoor Education Field Study Guidebook for the Intermediate Grades, James Arthur Asmussen
An Experimental Study to Determine the Effect of Creative Dramatics upon a Public School Speech Therapy Program, Sharon Lee Balyeat
College Freshman Decisions Concerning a Teaching Career as Influenced by In-School Experience in Public Schools of Ellensburg, Washington, Leilani Mae Bangs
The Grading of Men’s Physical Education Activities in the Small Four-Year Colleges of Oregon, Washington and California, John A. Beck
Tee-Ball, Merl E. Brothers
Group Counseling The Underachieving New College Student, Kenneth F. Burda
Cauchy Extensions of Integrals, Donald Wayne Carlton
Operational Expression of Attitudes in a Self-Selecting Curriculum, James Richard Carnes
A Study of Selected Central Washington Secondary Principals’ Effectiveness from Teachers’ Perceptions and Principals’ Estimates of These Perceptions, Albert E. Carpenter Jr.
Contingency Management in a Language Development Program, James E. Clark
A Pilot Program in World Geography Using Modern Educational Methods and Techniques, Harry Ernest Clemmons
Industrial-Vocational Guidance Procedures in Washington Secondary Schools - 1970, Linden David Cole
Stylistic Characteristics of Randall Thompson's Choral Music, Robert Hugh Creigh
A Comparison of a Block Program with the More Traditional System of Scheduling Speech Therapy in the Public Schools, Jean Cutlip
Teacher Performance in the Nongraded Elementary Schools of Central Washington, Helen Kathryn Dickson
Preparation for Teaching Reading in the Elementary Grades, Joan B. Drittenbas
United States-Russian Relations, March Through November 1917: A Study of Misunderstanding, Robert N. Estes
The Effects of Conferencing on Teacher and Pupil Verbal Behavior in the Classroom, Dwayne B. Fickel
The Effects of a Perceptual-Motor Training Program on the Development of Motor Perception Skills on Kindergarten Children, James H. Gaston
An Attempt to Develop Automatic Sequential Language Skills in Kindergarten Children, Stanley Goodrich
A Descriptive Study of Lateral Dominance and Directionality in Kindergarten Children, Sharon Gray
The Effects of a Movement Education Program on the Perceptual-Motor Development of Kindergarten and Grade One Students, Donna J. Gregory
The Effect of Self-Directed Structure versus Adult-Directed Structure in the Learning of Articulation Skills in First and Second Grade Boys and Girls, Doris Elaine Haley
Individualized Instruction in Contrast to Total Classroom Instruction in Vocabulary Development, James N. Haner
Developing Educational Specifications for Elementary Library Quarters in the Monroe School District, Earl LeRoy Harding Jr.
A Comparative Investigation of Techniques Used by Elementary Teachers When Reacting to Children's Classroom Behavior Problems, Buddy Joe Heimbigner
Development of a Filmstrip Designed to Recruit Teacher Aides from Specific Ethnic Groups, Laura A. Hendricks
A Survey of the Quantitative Elements of the Media Programs Available in the Public Schools within the Estacada Union High School District, Vernon Edward Hess
Selected Experiences and Teaching Procedures, Using Clay as a Medium, for Developing Creativity in the Nine-to-Eleven Year-Old, Linda Claire Hohn
Personnel Responsibilities of Assistant Principals in Washington State Public High Schools with Enrollments of Twelve Hundred or More Students, Curtis G. Horne
A Survey of Aerospace Education in Grades Nine through Twelve in the State of Washington, Judith Ann Isaac
A Readability Survey of the Science Textbooks used in University Place Elementary School, District No. 83, Melvin Hans Jangard
Sex Differences in the Sixth Grade: An In-depth Study of a Neglected Learning Factor in Reading, Gail Purvis Johnson
Ninety Day Follow-up of a Boy to Determine the Effects of the Use of Operant Techniques in the Classroom, Kim Gene Kay
An Analysis of the Washington Junior High School Principal's Time Distribution, John Keras
A Validation Study of the Predictive Screening Test of Articulation, Stanley G. Kibbey
A Plan for Flexibly Scheduled Use of the Terminal Park Elementary School Library, Carole Bowen Kirkpatrick
A Study of the Employment of 1969 Central Washington State College Graduates in Education, Floy Joanne Lanegan
An Application of a Revised Morrissett's Curriculum Analysis System to a High School English Program, Eldon Richard Loewe
A Comparative Investigation of the Affects of Parental Cooperation and No Known Parental Cooperation in Children’s Reading Skills, Suzanne Dorothea Lorain
A Survey of High School Media Production Facilities in First Class School Districts in Western Washington, Henry Kiyoshi Maruoka
The Effect of Circuit Training on the Physical Fitness of Fourth Grade Boys and Girls Compared to Traditionally Accepted Calisthenics, Larry J. Mataya
Reading Interests in Relation to Vocational, Extracurricular, and Academic Interests of Boys in Grades Two Through Six, Diane C. McCarty
Clarification of the Role of the Teacher of the Elementary Educable Mentally Retarded Child in Tacoma, Washington, Stephen Melseth
Brainstorm: A Highly Competitive Game and its Effect on Fifth Grade Science and Social Studies Achievement, John William Meyers
Effects of Remedial Physical Education on Selected Migrant Children, Leon J. Middleton