This collection features theses from Master of Education students in the Department of Education Graduate Programs at Central Washington University.
Theses from 1970
Effects of Programmed Conditioning on Language Achievement of a Ten Year Old Non-verbal Child, Robert J. Moore
A Descriptive Study of an Individualized, Small Group, Team Teaching Program in the Fifth Grade, Cecil K. Mullins
A Study of how Teachers Evaluate Handwriting, Marvalee Maxine Nance
The Experimental Use of Operant Procedures with Language Delayed Children, Scott W. Nielsen
A Descriptive Study of Focus Room as a Method of Integrating the Educationally Disadvantaged with the More Abled Student, Edward J. Novak
A Description and Analysis of Children with Learning Problems Referred to a Reading Teacher, Patricia M. Olsen
A Survey of Cultural Values among Graduating Indian Sudents from White Swan High School, Leonard Clinton Owen
The Superintendent's Point of View Concerning Music in the High Schools of Washington State, Morris Ray Pedersen
Effectiveness of the Problem Solving Method in Coaching Junior High School Basketball, Robert Duane Pederson
An Analysis of the Parochial Elementary School Principals' Time Distribution in the Archdiocese of Seattle, Ann Pizelo SNJM
An Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Alameda County Oral Communication Program in Listening, James Wiliam Poe Jr.
Utilization of the Frame Loom for Weaving in the Secondary School, Bonnie Jean Powell
A Study of Personnel Practices Related to Teacher Aide Programs, Kent H. Pratt
The Relationship of Reading Achievement and the Speech Problems of Four Children Attendng C.W.S.C. Speech Clinic, Wanda Lee Raap
An Elementary Mathematics Curriculum Study to Determine if Achievement and Attitude can be Influenced by a Textbook Adoption, Elsie M. Railey
A Study to Investigate the Relationships among Three Tests which Purport to Measure Perceptual Skills in Kindergarten Children, Carl Rawe Jr.
Past and Possible Future Preferences for 8-mm and 16-mm Projectors: First-class School Districts Washington State, Milton E. Ruth
A descriptive study of certain characteristics in which the language of a class of third grade Negro children differs from standard English, Columbus Nelson Sanders
General Functions and Specific Activities of the Elementary School Couselor as perceived by Principals, Teachers, and Counselors in the Highline Public Schools, Seattle, Washington, Gary Winfield Sherman
A Developmental Study of an Extradimensional Shift in Concept Learning, Ingrid I. Simonson
Greco-Roman Wrestling: Moves, Counters and Drills with a 16mm Instructional Film Suppliment, Darren Lee Sipe
Increasing the Verbal Response Rate of a Mentally Retarded Girl, Preston W. C. Smith
The Effect of Athletics on the Athlete, Ronald Dwaine Snow
A Differentially Reinforcing Token System in a Public School Classroom, John Sparks
Duty Performance of Vocational Guidance Counselors, Richard K. Swanson
The Meaning of Two Categories of Verbal Reinforcement to Middle and Lower Class Children, Steven John Talmadge
A Study of the Student Orientation Program in the Nine Junior High Schools in the Highline School District, Kenneth Teller
A Survey of Art in Edmonton in the 1960's: Trends and Attitudes, Carin Thyra Thomas
A Study of Zillah High School's Individualized English Program for the School Year 1969-1979, Seth T. Tweedy
The Value of the Parent-Teacher Conference, Suteerat Ungjaroen
The History of the Japanese in Seattle and its Environs: First Arrival to 1940, Peter Armstrong Vall-Spinosa
A Survey of Selected Middle School Programs in Washington, Oregon, and California, Kenneth L. Van Diest
The Effects of Intradimensional Variability on Conceptual Rule Problems, Kay C. Vodarski
The Level of Mathematical Understanding Possessed by Prospective Elementary Teachers, William Dean Vodarski
A Study of the Need for School District Reorganization in the Southeastern part of Thurston County, Washington, Rollo Walters
Spontaneous Use of Manual Precision Skills by Trainable, Educable and Average Children, Sister Ellen Ward SNJM
Strengthening Concept Development through the Inquiry Method, Larry Joe West
Role of Goal Assessment in Evaluating the Counseling Relationship, Dennis R. Whitney
A Drug Abuse Curriculum Guide for Franklin Pierce High School, Lonny D. Wildman
A Curriculum for Language Arts in Lincoln Prevocational School Bremerton, Washington, Roy A. Williamson
A Comparison of Reading Readiness between Kindergarten and Non-Kindergarten Children in the Wenatchee School District, Kenneth Dean Yancey
Theses from 1969
Flexibility Change in Students of Dance as Compared to Students in Other Physical Education Activity Classes, Betty J. Allen
Preferential Food habits of Aplodontia Rufa, Lennis Orville Allen
An Experimental Study of the Effect of Specialized Reading Treatment on the Reading Achievement of Second Grade Students, Mary Lou Ames
Movement Response Times Associated with Blocking in Football from the Three- and Four-Point Center Stances, Robert Louis Ames
The Study of an Attempt to Improve Motor Abilities of Kindergarten Children in the Pasco Public Schools, Elaine Keller Banks
Individualizing Junior High Geography, George L. Barrus
Batik as an Art Craft in the Middle School to Develop Creativity and Prolonged Interest, Margueritte A. Bauer
Semantic Differential Relationships as a Determinant of Clustering, Burr R. Beckwith
A Study of School Library Service to the Disadvantaged, Judith E. Bell
A Study of the In-Service Education Programs Available to Elementary Principals in Spokane, Stevens and Whitman Counties, William Harold Bourne Jr.
An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Instructional Television as Applied to Learning Beginning Golf Skills, Everett LoWayne Brewer
A Study of Dropouts from Continuation High School in Spokane from September, 1967, to November, 1968, Albert D. Brown
Effects of Candy and Public Recording upon Objective Quiz Scores in a Social Studies Class, Thomas Raymond Brown
Effects of the Administrative Internship Program on Selected Post Interns from C.W.S.C. and an Analysis of Their Training Program, Robert Burdick
A Comparison of the Mathematical Achievement Attained Using Two Methods of Teaching First Year Algebra to Alaskan Native High School Students, Jerry E. Burgett
Effects of Contingency Management on Reading Achievement of Junior High Special Education Students, Larry Busse
A Study of Child Rearing Attitudes of Mothers of Gifted Children, Kemme Lynne Caldwell
Periodical Use in Secondary School Libraries in the State of Washington: A Survey with Recommendations, Lillian C. Canzler
The Effects of Distraction on the Simple Reaction Time of Normal and Retarded Students, Franklin Dean Carlson
A Comparison of the Achievement of Selected Students in High School Social Studies Taught by the Team Teaching Method and the Traditional Method, Curtis Harris Christian
A Pilot Study on the Comparison of the Effect of a Traditional Physical Education Program and a Movement Exploration Program on the Self Concept of the Special Education Student, Sherrie Ann Chrysler
Audio-Visual Program Lewis and Clark Junior High School Yakima, Washington, Wesley Clay Crago Jr.
A Survey of Family Life and Sex Education Programs in Washington Secondary Schools, James Bernard Darcy
A Discriminative Study of Boys’ Physical Education in High Schools of the Big Eight Athletic Conference, Burdon R. Daugherty
A Feasibility Study of District Reorganization for Dayton, Prescott, and Waitsburg, Glynn DeWayne Davis
An Organization of Violin Technique Based on Proficiency Levels for the Clover Park School District, Richard P. Dawson
An Analysis of Parents’ Reaction to a Reporting System, Janice Louise Demmon
A Survey of the Provisions for Critical Reading Skills in Basal Readers, Louis Alan Dillard
The Effectiveness of Taped Textbook Materials in Fifth Grade Social Studies Classes, Jerome Joseph Doherty
Birth Order and Its Relationship to Dogmatism, John Richard Downs
A Beginning Reading Program in Marshallese, Charles E. Eko
Attendance Patterns of the Secondary Indian Students Who Attended Camp Chaparral in 1967, Thomas H. Elgin
A Cross-Comparison of the Contributions of Obstacle Course Training and Extended Motor Ability Development to Physical Fitness and Motor Ability, Arthur K. Ellis
The Relationship of the Creativity of Teachers and Their Students, Norman Frederick Erken
The Use of Video Tape Replays to Modify Student Behavior in an Elementary Classroom, Robert Lawrence Ewing
A Survey of the Educational Media Program of the Yakima Public Schools, Bruce J. Eyer
Attitudes of Principals Concerning Their Role as a Result of Professional Negotiations in the State of Washington, Karl Michael Fankhuaser
A Study of the Effectiveness of the Introduction of Background Music in a Traditional Library, Dean Ferrero
A Discriminative Study of Girls’ Physical Education in High Schools of the Big Eight Athletic Conference, Carol A. Finney
An Experiment in Improving the Attitude and Achievement of Students in Mathematics by Using Behavioral Objectives, Joseph Bruce Fleming
A Case Study of Remediation for a Fifth Grade Boy with Reading Disabilities, Betty Lee Foster
An Experimental Study of the Effects of Phonic Games in Reading, William Earl Gibbons
A Study to Determine the Anticipated Qualifications and Competencies of Audiovisual Specialists in the Community Colleges of the State of Washington, Garred Allen Giles
A Study to Compare the Effect of Two Elementary Physical Education Programs on Physical Fitness, John K. Gillespie
A Study of the Influencing Factors Causing Experienced Special Education Teachers to Change to Regular Programs, Jon R. Gobiet
A Survey of Speech Therapy Programs in the Public Schools in the State of Washington, Audrey Goodman
An Investigation of a Self-Determining Curriculum, Roger Gray
An Experimental Investigation of the Effect on Interest of Reading Children’s Literature to Sixth Grade Students in Aberdeen, Washington, Donald R. Grieb
A Study of the Effect the Value-Clarification Process Had on Fifth Grade Students in Auburn, Washington, Kathleen Agnes Hagen
An Investigation of Mikusinski’s Operational Calculus, Darwin Chester Hahn
A Survey of Washington State’s Elementary Schools on the Utilization of Full-Time Teacher Aides, Frederick William Hasse
A Study of the Effect on High School Students of an Educational Program Which Points out the Harmful Effects of Smoking, Patricia Ann Hastings
A Comparison of the Effects on Development of Physical Fitness and Motor Skills of Two Physical Education Programs with Opposite Program Emphases, David L. Haynie
A Survey of Teachers’ Attitudes Regarding the Effectiveness of the Middle School, Norman A. Heggenes
The Changing Roles of School Personnel as a Result of the Professional Negotiations Act in the State of Washington, Edward J. Hill Jr.
Development of the Teacher’s Self for Effective Teaching, June Bach Hill
The Teaching of Communications Skills in Relation to the Cultural Background of Mexican Migrants, Irene Hlousek