This collection features theses from Master of Education students in the Department of Education Graduate Programs at Central Washington University.
Theses from 1968
An Investigation of Attitudes Towards the Objectives of and the Preparation for Junior High School Teaching as Expressed by Selected Central Washington State College Graduates, Edward Morris Command
A Proposal for a Comprehensive High School for the Stanwood School District, Raymond Earl Cresap
Adapting the Montessori Approach to Moderately Handicapped Children, Mary E. Croiser
A Study of the Effects of Certain Physical Activities on the Progress of Reading Comprehension, Word Knowledge, and Rate, Neil Allen Cummings
An Experimental Study of the Effect of Stimulation in the Prognosis of Defective Articulation, Joyce Evelyn Dallmann
A Three-Year Experimental Study of Two Methods of Teaching Reading in the Elementary School, Merle Eugene Davis
A Study of What an Elementary Principal Should Know about the First Grade Reading Program, James Edward Devine
A Study of Centralized Technical Services for the Organization of Learning Resource Materials with Examples from Three Selected School Districts, Marilyn Ann Drengson
A Study of Teacher Awareness of Interest Factors Contributing to Success in Reading Among Intermediate Grades in Eighteen Elementary Schools in California’s Rio Linda Union School District, Charles Ralph Dykstra
A Study in the Use of Programmed Instruction in Family Life Education, Myrna Joyce Eberly
A Comparative Study of Handwriting Practices in the Intermediate Grades, Evelyn Elaine Eisenman
A Survey of the Existing Production Facilities in the School Districts in the State of Washington, Edward Stewart Ellis
A Study on the Effectiveness of the Neurological Impress Method as a Remedial Reading Technique, Anthony Cairl Embrey
A Study of the Graduates of the Master of Education Program at Central Washington State College, 1949-1964, Edward Henry Euken
A Study of Grading Art Work Concerning Secondary Art Instructors in the State of Washington, Darwin Dean Evans
A Survey of Teacher Aides under Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Act of 1965 in the State of Washington, Richard Lee Evans
An Operational Handbook to Guide the Administrative Intern, Ben E. Farrell
An Examination of View Compatibility between Graduate Study Planners and School Principals Concerning Preparation Requirements for Principal Credentials, Charles Robert Frisbie
A Survey of Senior Girls’ Attitudes Toward the Home Economics Program at Mark Morris Senior High School in Longview, Washington, Arlis Fulgham
An Empirical Study to Determine the Effect of a Physical Fitness Program on Academic Achievement and Reading Ability, E. Douglas Garland
An Opinion Survey of Elementary Teachers from Various Districts throughout Washington State Concerning Decision Making Procedures in Their Respective Districts, James Glynn Gibson
A Comparative Study of the Joplin Reading Plan and the Traditional Reading Plan in the Northshore School District, Steven J. Gimurtu
A Survey of Ten Community School Programs, Claude M. Gove
Effects of Sodium Phosphate on the Performance of Track Athletes on the 660-Yard Run, Charles L. Hall
Performance Criteria for the Elementary School Principal in Curriculum Development, Harry H. Haney Jr.
Comparison of the Effects of Two Variations in Program Administration on the Physical Fitness of Ninth Grade Girls, Irene E. Hannaford
A Proposed Interscholastic Track and Field Training Program for the Junior High School, James L. Hanson
Legal Liability of School Principals for Their Torts in Washington State, David Jerome Harbeck
A Critical Examination of the Phonics and Structural Analysis Skill Development in the SRA Reading Laboratory IIIa, Florence B. Hay
Methods of Communicating with and Relating to the Parents of Migrant Children, Marian I. Hines
A Study of the Effectiveness of an Individualized Sixth Grade Arithmetic Program, Alan James Hokenstad
The Role of the Head Resident as Perceived by Head Residents Student Personnel Staff and Faculty at Central Washington State College, James P. Hollister
A Comparison of the Needs and Values of Experienced Teachers of Special Education and the Needs and Values of Experienced Teachers of Regular Education, Donald Anrud Holmes
An Analytical Study of Title VI, Public Law 89-750, Byron R. Holmgren
A Study of Office Machines Knowledge and Skills Needed for Initial Employment in Chehalis and Centralia, Washington, Clare Walter Johnson
Components in a Comprehensive and Integrated Sex Education Program for the Kindergarten, Joyce Lucile Johnson
Electronic Data Processing in Washington’s Schools: A Status Study, Lester Ray Jones
A Study of Pupil Self-Concepts in a Three-Track Elementary School, Ronald M. Jones
A Progress/Status Report on the Teaching of Listening, Gail Fera Juris
Verbal Conditioning and its Generalization, Grace Evica Kessling
A Developmental, Sequential Method of Teaching Library Skills to Student Librarians, Mary Hogben Kron
An Investigation of the Pre-planning Phases of the Vale School Team Teaching Program, Conrad W. Lautensleger
A Proposed Industrial Arts Guide for Kusaie High School, Eastern Caroline Islands, Malcolm H. Lindquist
Teaching of the Fiction and Film Unit in the High School with Melville’s “Bartleby the Scrivener” and Bluestone’s Bartleby as Models, Michael Paul Lions
The Relationship of the Institutionalized Juvenile Delinquent’s Self-Concept to reading Achievement and IQ, Donald L. Lorentsen
A Study of Factors Relating to Grade-School Band Dropouts in the Aberdeen School District, Richard Daniel Lundstrom
A Survey of the Student Purchases in the Grandview High School in Grandview, Washington, Shirley Marie Lundstrom
The Ambiguity of “Weeping” in William Blake’s Poetry, Audrey F. Lytle
An Experimental Study Utilizing the Treanor Method with the Left – Over Child, Mary Michele MacMillan
A Comparison of Self-Concept Scores before and after Three Months Job Corps Experience, Alan I. Marshlain
A Comparative Study of the Achievement of Underage and Overage Third Grade Boys and Girls., Carl M. Maw
Audio-Visual Aids, Manipulative Materials, and Arithmetic Achievement in Grade Four, Janice Cameron McColaugh
An Instructional Film Illustrating Leg Wrestling Moves, Counters, and Drills, VerNon Lyle Merkely
A Study Comparing the Understanding of Selected Principles of College Chemistry by Intermediate Grade Pupils in Ellensburg and Mercer Island, Washington, Geoffrey Wallace Mills
A Survey of Small School Districts’ Junior High School Summer Program Offerings, Donald W. Moore
A Study Assessing Changes Occurring in Kindergarten Children at Central School, Hoquiam, Washington, during the School Year 1967-1968 in Terms of Readiness and Academic Growth, Elizabeth Pinkley Morris
A Study Measuring the Effectiveness of Visual Recall Provided by a Videotape Recorder in Teaching Golf Performance Skills, Rodney G. Morrow
A Comparison of the Moral Judgements of Negro and Caucasian Children, Thomas Edward Mowry
A Survey of the Basic Needs for Providing a Satisfactory Driver Education Program in Washington High Schools, Robert Charles Munson
Mathematics Text Evaluation for the Intermediate Grades, Frank R. Naasz
An Analysis of Washington State Elementary Teachers’ Attitudes toward Foreign Language Instruction in the Elementary School (Files), Thomas H. Nelson
An Administrator’s Guide to Modular Scheduling in the Secondary Schools, Larry E. Norwood
An Investigation of Five Basic Reading Programs at the Third Grade Level for Instruction in Contextual and Structural Clue Techniques of Word-Meaning Attack, Jeanne G. Nurding
A comparative Study of the Needs and Values of Prospective Teachers of Special Education and Regular Education, James H. Olson
A Summer Conservation Education Program for Intermediate Grade Children, Alfred John Palm
The Development and Evaluation of Six Eight Millimeter Cartridge Films and Study Guides on the Care and Maintenance of the Clarinet and Cornet or Trumpet, Marshall Richard Pancheau
A Comparison of Two Methods of Teaching Place Value, Bruce Alan Pennington
Subtraction - - Whole Numbers When the Minuend Contains Fewer Units Than the Subtrahend, Naida Ruth Pino
Development of an Automated Program to Teach Auditory Discrimination, Lawrence A. Porter
The Development of the Wenatchee Youth Circus as an Extra-Curricular Educational Experience, Paul K. Pugh
What Makes a Good Kindergarten?, Shirley Jean Riel
A Study of the Attitudes of Public School Teachers in Chelan and Douglas Counties Regarding Teacher Evaluation for Merit Pay Purposes, Gerald Stewart Robertson
On Semigroup Rings, Lawrence Paul Runyan
A Comparative Study of a Linguistic and a Traditional Approach to Spelling, Dale Henry Sayler
Handedness and Dominance Patterns of Normal and Mentally Retarded Children, Robert Henry Schreindl
An Identification of Factors Associated with the Current Elementary Music Program in the Bellevue Schools, Carol Rogel Scott
A Comparison of Academic Achievement Between Slow Learning Grouped and Non-grouped Seventh Grade Students in West Puyallup Junior High School, William George Selig
Comparative Study of the Effect of Creative Dramatics on Listening Achievement, Alice L. Setzer
Window Condensation: The Apparent Causes and Remedies, Roy Lester Simmons
Follow-up Study of Business Education Proficiency Card Holders That Have Graduated from Nathan Hale High School, Seattle, Washington, 1965, 1966, 1967, Donald T. Smith
A Guide for Introducing Power Mechanics into the Yakima Public Junior High Schools, James L. Smith Jr.
A Study to Determine the Effect of Picture Interpretation on the Achievement of Culturally Deprived Second Grade Pupils, Jane Henriksen Smith
An Analysis of County and Community Resources Available for Social Studies and Science Classes in the Bisbee, Arizona, Area, Lulu G. Smith
A Comparison of Certain Creativity and Personality Variables, Carol Jeanne Stevens
An Investigation of the Inter-relationship of Library Aptitudes and Library Skills Instruction at Central Avenue School, Tacoma, Washington, Dorothy Louise Sturdivant
A Study of Prevocational Students’ Vocational Choices Versus Actual Job Attainment and Social Adjustment Versus Employability for Educable Mentally Retarded, Ralph Summers Jr.
A Survey and Evaluation of Creative Writing through the Media of Individualized Movies in the Seventh Grade, Loy Victor Sutton
A Survey of First Year Elementary Teacher Attitudes Regarding Supervision and Evaluation Practices of Their Principals, Larry L. Thomas
A Survey of Teachers’ Attitudes Regarding the Effectiveness of the Nongraded Elementary School, Merton L. Thornton
The Basis of Angolan Nationalism, Albert V. Vandenberg
Transformational Grammar and Problems of Syntactic Ambiguity in English, Shirlie Jeanette Verley
Validity Coefficients, Norm Tables, and Expectancy Tables Based on Central Washington State College Students’ Performance on the Washington Pre-College Tests, Kathleen Elizabeth Wall
What Constitutes a Good P.T.A. Program, William Earnest Watson
A Pilot Study Measuring the Effect of the Video Tape Recorder in Improving Student Teacher Auditory and Overt Behavior Performance Skills During Their Student Teaching Experience, Robert Charles Wiley
Teaching Reading to the Educable Mentally Retarded at the Junior High Level Through Music and Rhythms, John Ernest Wollenweber Jr.
Integration of Library Skills With the Teaching of the Common Curriculum, Vernie M. Young